Drinks Blood from a Boot
Today's deal is supposed to be Walking Dead episodes 2-5 for 200pts each.
Episode 1 is free til 12/31/12
So what this means is you can have all 5 episodes for $10
Word to Winb
Make sure to cop that today.. Toys r us has XBL cards in as low as 400/800 increments if you don't want to spend the whole $20 like a 7-11 would force you to do

Episode 1 is free til 12/31/12
So what this means is you can have all 5 episodes for $10
Word to Winb
Make sure to cop that today.. Toys r us has XBL cards in as low as 400/800 increments if you don't want to spend the whole $20 like a 7-11 would force you to do