You can be killed for being an atheist in 13 countries

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

(Reuters) - In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday.

And beyond the Islamic nations, even some of the West's apparently most democratic governments at best discriminate against citizens who have no belief in a god and at worst can jail them for offences dubbed blasphemy, it said.

The study, The Freethought Report 2013, was issued by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a global body uniting atheists, agnostics and other religious skeptics, to mark United Nations' Human Rights Day on Tuesday.

"This report shows that the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of atheists and freethinkers although they have signed U.N agreements to treat all citizens equally," said IHEU President Sonja Eggerickx.

The study covered all 192 member states in the world body and involved lawyers and human rights experts looking at statute books, court records and media accounts to establish the global situation.

A first survey of 60 countries last year showed just seven where death, often by public beheading, is the punishment for either blasphemy or apostasy - renouncing belief or switching to another religion which is also protected under U.N. accords.

But this year's more comprehensive study showed six more, bringing the full list to Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

In others, like India in a recent case involving a leading critic of religion, humanists say police are often reluctant or unwilling to investigate murders of atheists carried out by religious fundamentalists.

Across the world, the report said, "there are laws that deny atheists' right to exist, revoke their citizenship, restrict their right to marry, obstruct their access to public education, prevent them working for the state...."

Criticism of religious faith or even academic study of the origins of religions is frequently treated as a crime and can be equated to the capital offence of blasphemy, it asserted.


The IHEU, which has member bodies in some 50 countries and supporters in many more where such organizations are banned, said there was systematic or severe discrimination against atheists across the 27-nation European Union.

The situation was severe in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta and Poland where blasphemy laws allow for jail sentences up to three years on charges of offending a religion or believers.

In these and all other EU countries, with the exception of the Netherlands and Belgium which the report classed as "free and equal," there was systemic discrimination across society favoring religions and religious believers.

In the United States, it said, although the situation was "mostly satisfactory" in terms of legal respect for atheists' rights, there were a range of laws and practices "that equate being religious with being American."

In Latin America and the Caribbean, atheists faced systemic discrimination in most countries except Brazil, where the situation was "mostly satisfactory," and Jamaica and Uruguay which the report judged as "free and equal."

Across Africa, atheists faced severe or systemic violations of their rights to freedom of conscience but also grave violations in several countries, including Egypt, Libya and Morocco, and nominally Christian Zimbabwe and Eritrea.


Jun 4, 2012
Mayo Clinic researchers examined the association between religious involvement and spirituality, and physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life, and other health outcomes. The authors reported that: "Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide."

The authors of a subsequent study concluded that the influence of religion on health is "largely beneficial", based on a review of related literature.[87] According to academic James W. Jones, several studies have discovered "positive correlations between religious belief and practice and mental and physical health and longevity."

An analysis of data from the 1998 US General Social Survey, whilst broadly confirming that religious activity was associated with better health and well-being, also suggested that the role of different dimensions of spirituality/religiosity in health is rather more complicated. The results suggested "that it may not be appropriate to generalize findings about the relationship between spirituality/religiosity and health from one form of spirituality/religiosity to another, across denominations, or to assume effects are uniform for men and women

:yeshrug: Human's do things based on a historical trail and error and what works..... We've operated and advanced our species with religion for ever, so u really have to give this neo-athiest acceptance some time.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Mayo Clinic researchers examined the association between religious involvement and spirituality, and physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life, and other health outcomes. The authors reported that: "Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide."

The authors of a subsequent study concluded that the influence of religion on health is "largely beneficial", based on a review of related literature.[87] According to academic James W. Jones, several studies have discovered "positive correlations between religious belief and practice and mental and physical health and longevity."

An analysis of data from the 1998 US General Social Survey, whilst broadly confirming that religious activity was associated with better health and well-being, also suggested that the role of different dimensions of spirituality/religiosity in health is rather more complicated. The results suggested "that it may not be appropriate to generalize findings about the relationship between spirituality/religiosity and health from one form of spirituality/religiosity to another, across denominations, or to assume effects are uniform for men and women

:yeshrug: Human's do things based on a historical trail and error and what works..... We've operated and advanced our species with religion for ever, so u really have to give this neo-athiest acceptance some time.
Not sure why you posted that 1998 Mayo Clinic study on the link between religious activity and health in a thread about the legalized killing of atheists. That was random and out of left field. But since you did, that study as well as other studies on the matter, and they are numerous, tend to indicate that it is religious activity--the community bonding and social interaction that comes with religious ceremonies that islinked to better health outcomes, not religious faith itself.

But on the main topic, it's hilarious to me how you continue to validate my pegging of you as a sick, hateful authoritarian while exhibiting zero self-awareness in the process. You are justifying and asking people to understand why there are laws that allow the killing of atheists just for being atheists with a straight face. :dead:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Those are all countries that you would NEVER go to. You just want to play tha part of a victim. fakkit
This isn't about me, you stupid fukk. This is a subforum called higher learning where people post articles and goings-on in the world, which contains 7 billion people, and then others discuss the implications. Posters generally are intellectually curious about the world outside of their own experiences. That's how that works.

Do you understand it now, or should draw a picture in crayon for you?


May 7, 2012
syrup village
This isn't about me, you stupid fukk. This is a subforum called higher learning where people post articles and goings-on in the world, which contains 7 billion people, and then others discuss the inplications. That's how that works.

Do you understand it now, or should draw a picture in crayon for you?
If its not about you and being an atheist then why would you poast it. And you would probably fukk up tha crayon drawing like tha retard you are

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
If its not about you and being an atheist then why would you poast it. And you would probably fukk up tha crayon drawing like tha retard you are
I "poasted" it for the same reason anybody "poasts" any article here: I felt like it. Please stop responding unless you have something to say about the contents of it instead of me.


May 7, 2012
syrup village
I "poasted" it for the same reason anybody "poasts" any article here: I felt like it. Please stop responding unless you have something to say about the contents of it instead of me.
I got to you! :sadcam:Do they even execute people in those countries. Do you even give a fukk about people??


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
i'm at work so sorta affraid to google some of these ideas right now but i wonder...

What crazy NON religious laws do people get executed for? I know there are some countries where you can be executed for drug possession.

And i mean if we really wanna examine this we should look to the non religious CHINA and see how they handling things, they do after all execute THOUSANDS of people a year, far more than any other country.

The take away from this is we, as a species, execute people for some stupid reasons, YES religion being one of them.

Again place things in context...