I decided to get back into comics a couple years ago. Used to read them all the time growing up.
But it was a lil overwhelming to try to keep up with everthing. So i made a comprmise. just dipped a pinkie toe back in.
Basically, I bought one of these comic book racks. $375 is the best price around for this unless you can make one yourself.
A great way to connect with kids, teens and even adults. Small footprint and provides lots of great Christian comic material to read and share. Perfect for your church, store or business. COMICS NOT INCLUDED! Small footprint! Sturdy metal rack Dimple guard protection 44 product pockets Able to...
But basically it has 44 pockets, so i said, i just going to collect 44 of my all time favorite graphic novels. and leave it at that.
So for me each pocket is one story that i liked as a kid. or like currently. batman year 1, Ultimates Vol 1, World war Hulk, ect
Kept it smaller and manageable. a Top 44 collection. Only replace a slot of if i feel like a modern story arc managed to reach that top spot.
Only time i really take time to read a comic books though is when i'm on vacation. I like to use them as travel reading on the plane and in the airport while i wait.