Snitchin Splatter
Working With The Feds
[ @Louisiana Fisher ]
Coli Brehbies is This True?
Coli Brehs is this mentality why true love is so hard to find?
are we paying 100$ parking tickets on the first date?
[/ @Louisiana Fisher ]
Why are you talking about friends with benefits when the thread is obviously about moving beyond that? Just b/c you "like" some broke ass no good minimum wage nikka doesn't make them good relationship material and just b/c you have been dealing with them on a very low level doesn't mean you "might as well" go beyond that. People should actually think about the relationships that they put themselves into. start actually using your brain and thinking beyond "might as well." Someone who can't provide everything you need from the get go? It's just not a good decision. We are way too young to be taking on so much when we don't have to, let him provide
Off topic girls need to get ourselves together. My single mother friends are running playing fukk buddy with dudes and paying for their own babysitters.You consider a dude paying for dinner and pizza as "being a gentlemen" Wow. No, those are things that he is suppose to be doing if he wants to be around and even sniff the p*ssy. BW are always a package deal even if it's just casual. Ya'll seriously messing with dudes were breaking bread is optional? This is baffling to me. I've had a dude I just met pay a $100 parking ticket for me w/o even touching me and ya'll are spending your own money for dikk. What is the world?
Coli Brehbies is This True?
Coli Brehs is this mentality why true love is so hard to find?
are we paying 100$ parking tickets on the first date?
[/ @Louisiana Fisher ]
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