Take it for what it's worth... ran across this on my facebook feed.
TheGreyStash: Xbox One's E3 Line-Up Leak!
If this image proves to be true then Microsoft has quite the line-up ready to go for E3. All those people that were bytching (because that's what they were doing) about the Xbox One not having any games, they will be silences after this. There are quite the number of 1st party titles and some pretty exciting sequels from 3rd party developers.
-Halo 5
-Killer Instinct
-COD: Ghosts
-BF 4
-Witcher 3
-Dying Light
-Homefront 2
-BGE 2
-Mirror's edge 2
-Rainbow 6 PATRIOTS
-Brother in Arms
-League of legends
Capcom Next gen lineup:
-Dead Rising 3 (XB1 exclusive. Capcom Vancouver)
-Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS4 exclusive, DD team doing it)
-Darkstalkers Reborn (Wii-U Exclusive. Funded by Nintendo, Dimps + Ono)
-Marvel Vs Capcom 4 (Both. Eighting + Capcom. Also "Expandable" and also allegedly taking advantage of Microsoft's E-Sports platform tools they gave to developers)
-Megaman (both consoles, PC and done by "A very good US developer who you won't expect but would be very happy to hear is doing it")
-New IP from Capcom Vancouver
-New IP from Ninja Theory
edit: I got these rumors from a friend's source, I do not know where the picture originates from. I do not know if these are legit at all but the games listed has been extremely plausible judging from famousmortimer talking about a few of them. So this should be treated as a fake, I don't want people running around treating it as a prophecy cause it might turn out to be fake at the end of the day. Then again this is E3 season, what else is new?