LiveWire before they stopped the interactive format was top tier fukkery. Show was Russo's beginning of his worked shoot style. Show was also the most bizarre blend of kayfabe and reality. WWE could have an interactive Talking Smack style show with host taking calls/posts on WWE's Facebook/Tweets.
Classic Livewire moments:
JR spazzing on callers and then saying he fell asleep in the middle of Piper/Hogan at Starrcade 1996
Stone Cold saying he went to the Dungeon and put the beats on Bret for 30 mins and then kicked Stu's ass
Ahmed and Farooq arguing and Ahmed threatening to pull up to Farooq's house
Then theres the classic 10/5/96 episode:
Vince Russo exposing to the younger WWF audience that Dok Hendrix is Michael Hayes from the Freebirds at 03:17
Paul Heyman calling in at 19:00
Heel JR calls around 26:00
Classic Livewire moments:
JR spazzing on callers and then saying he fell asleep in the middle of Piper/Hogan at Starrcade 1996
Stone Cold saying he went to the Dungeon and put the beats on Bret for 30 mins and then kicked Stu's ass
Ahmed and Farooq arguing and Ahmed threatening to pull up to Farooq's house
Then theres the classic 10/5/96 episode:
Vince Russo exposing to the younger WWF audience that Dok Hendrix is Michael Hayes from the Freebirds at 03:17
Paul Heyman calling in at 19:00
Heel JR calls around 26:00
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