These part-time stars(Brock, Rock, HHH, Taker) should be used to build future stars like Bryan, Ziggler, and Barrett. Instead, WWE keeps booking these part-time stars to go against other established stars. It's great for the short term, but it's hurting their future. They can't rely on Cena and part-time attitude era guys forever.
In that case, Cena should've been putting over nikkas 5+ years ago
Whatever happened to stars making themselves?? nikkas this era are just lazy as fukk. I don't remember anyone having to put over Austin,Rock and others, dudes just wanted it more. If Mick Foley managed to become a 3x WWF champion in the same era as Rock/Austin/Undertaker/Triple H, what's stopping the current era? Sure booking and Cena play a part in it too these days, but i always believed in true talent/skill /crowd support conquering all that in the end regardless of the politics, too many wrestlers these days are looking for someone to hold their hand and show them the way instead of going out there themselves and proving they belong at the top of the card.