:lupe: :why:
pete clemenza Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 35,585 Reputation 3,066 Daps 86,078 Reppin Cali Yesterday at 8:59 PM #1
D Dem313wayz Superstar Joined May 24, 2022 Messages 5,813 Reputation 918 Daps 23,680 Yesterday at 9:06 PM #2 Makes you wonder what is in this that the cookie didn't catch fire and we consume this on the regular
Makes you wonder what is in this that the cookie didn't catch fire and we consume this on the regular
Vandelay Life is absurd. Lean into it. Joined Apr 14, 2013 Messages 23,699 Reputation 5,958 Daps 83,106 Reppin Phi Chi Connection Yesterday at 9:13 PM #3 Oreos made out of powdered vibranium. Haven't had one since I was like 14 for good reason.
the cac mamba Veteran Joined May 21, 2012 Messages 101,952 Reputation 13,523 Daps 297,908 Reppin NULL Yesterday at 9:13 PM #4 RFK will get to the bottom of this
Da King Veteran WOAT Supporter Hall of Shame Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 62,241 Reputation 1,205 Daps 210,126 Yesterday at 9:13 PM #5 Processed food
J jdubnyce Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 53,490 Reputation 13,141 Daps 248,584 Reppin t-dot till they bury me Yesterday at 9:15 PM #6 Double stuff oreos Pause
Saysumthinfunnymike VOTE!!! Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 182,179 Reputation 23,030 Daps 593,691 Reppin 49ers..Braves..Celtics Yesterday at 9:15 PM #7 When the apocalypse comes Oreos will come in very handy..
G Gloxina Veteran Joined Mar 11, 2022 Messages 19,662 Reputation 6,696 Daps 70,949 Yesterday at 9:23 PM #8 That’s…not good
Solomon Lurke My Boys Dey Be Lurkin... Joined Jun 20, 2012 Messages 4,112 Reputation 1,901 Daps 17,221 Reppin The Shadows Yesterday at 9:27 PM #9 Should have used milk instead
Batsute The Lion Choker Joined Mar 11, 2013 Messages 9,046 Reputation 2,813 Daps 31,823 Reppin #Hololive Yesterday at 9:31 PM #10 Ok now drop from 2 inches off the ground
MustafaSTL Achievement In Every Field of Human Endeavor Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 16,462 Reputation 3,896 Daps 48,577 Yesterday at 9:36 PM #11 Fake
Pazzy Superstar Joined Jun 11, 2012 Messages 27,773 Reputation -6,990 Daps 44,424 Reppin NULL Yesterday at 9:43 PM #12 I feel i caught a cavity watching this
RedCloakBlackWraithe ..... Supporter Joined Aug 30, 2015 Messages 18,681 Reputation 3,256 Daps 37,936 Yesterday at 9:47 PM #13 they say of you eat enough of them you begin to take on it's properties. you can become the thing from fantastic 4.
they say of you eat enough of them you begin to take on it's properties. you can become the thing from fantastic 4.
Toe Jay Simpson Searchin’ Joined May 12, 2012 Messages 24,568 Reputation 8,175 Daps 133,417 Reppin Carmel City Yesterday at 9:48 PM #14 Believe this is real and burn your whole house down brehs. The MFs can’t even survive a hot car.
Warren Peace Superstar Joined Mar 11, 2022 Messages 4,261 Reputation 843 Daps 17,744 Yesterday at 9:49 PM #15 Nice try, y'all. But I'll still eat this garbage