punk/taker, think the streak may end
hell no/ziggybige, fukkery bound to happen here.
ryback/mark henry, can ryback hit the shellshock without botching? doubtful.
rock/Cena doubt this is a decent match but they'll make it seem interesting. I'm sure rock loses, hopefully Cena don't keep the belt for long.
adr/swagger, this story line is kind of tiring. even as a Hispanic it's not like I'm rooting for adr. better if dolph cashes in. never been a big fan of adr. both are evenly matched tho so night be a decent match.
shield /orton,sheamus,show seems like the same match every ppv with a new tag team partner. not to mention that as good and popular as they are, blandy and sameus seem to do the same things every match they wrestle. they can use old commentary and be almost right. think the shield wins when someone turns. maybe Orton. don't know how big show fits in with his teammates.
hhh/brock, no offense to Brock but this match likely will suck. don't know why they made this match again like the rock vs Cena. i think hhh retires after this one and sticks to running things.
on a side note. i seemed to notice the way tag matches are setup. is it me or are all tag matches with the faces and crowd favorites on the corner by the ramp and the heels on the bottom corner? it seemed like that every tag match i seen lately.