New PS Vita comes with 1.69 or something like that. i wanna upgrade it to 1.81 and that's not even possible.
so i pull the old memory card from the old Vita and put it in the new one and it wants to format it. mind you this is the same account on both Vitas. i let it format the card and now i can't put anything on it. all my games are on my netbook and when i plug the Vita up to it the copy software forces a firmware check and won't allow any copying if the Vita doesn't have the most current firmware. i found a hack that prevents the software from doing the online check but cause the content manager at the very least knows that 1.80 was out it refuses to copy anything to the new Vita.
to sum it all up you can't do anything more on this thing then what you could do at the time the last firmware came out if you refuse to upgrade. you can't even physically download and install the firmware of your choice you have to let the Vita download whatever firmware Sony has up.
what part of the game is locking you out of your own product unless you connect it online?
so i pull the old memory card from the old Vita and put it in the new one and it wants to format it. mind you this is the same account on both Vitas. i let it format the card and now i can't put anything on it. all my games are on my netbook and when i plug the Vita up to it the copy software forces a firmware check and won't allow any copying if the Vita doesn't have the most current firmware. i found a hack that prevents the software from doing the online check but cause the content manager at the very least knows that 1.80 was out it refuses to copy anything to the new Vita.
to sum it all up you can't do anything more on this thing then what you could do at the time the last firmware came out if you refuse to upgrade. you can't even physically download and install the firmware of your choice you have to let the Vita download whatever firmware Sony has up.
what part of the game is locking you out of your own product unless you connect it online?