Wow! One Of Our Very Own Coli Ebony Queens Wrote This...


Dec 31, 2012

20 Signs A Man Is Insecure

Some of you dudes are raging cases of testosterone overdoses, but that doesn’t mean you’re a real man either. One of the biggest hurdles to true manhood is overcoming your insecurities. And unfortunately, many of our men are far more insecure than our women. Here’s a way to check yourself, or the brothers you know, for defects.

1. Control issues – He seeks to control his woman by making her think, say, and do, what he wants. What he wants is a pet, not a partner. And even a pet won’t do what you tell it most of the time.

2. Overcompensating – He compensates for his shortcomings by dealing with several women at one time, none of whom know about each other. He does a lot of lying to keep himself "looking" sincere.

3. Materialism – He tries to make himself into a more impressive person by surrounding himself with material things that he can show off. Although this dude may not own a house, he WILL need the newest, hottest care to drive.

4. Appearance – He’s worried about appearances more than anything. His woman has to act and look a certain way. He can’t leave the house unless he is looking a certain way. There’s nothing wrong with some pride and hygiene, but dudes like this are missing important things (like a bank account) while trying to show off.

5. Support Group – Not only is he extremely concerned about what other people think of him, he needs to constantly be surrounded by other people who reinforce and supports what he already thinks.

6. Takes It Personal – He thinks someone disagreeing with or criticizing him means that they have a personal problem with him… and he takes it personally.

7. Petty Boy – He gets emotional about the pettiest of things, but argues that he’s right for the way he responds.

8. Baby Boy – He finds a woman who will treat him like she’s his mother.

9. Big Daddy – He treats that same woman like she’s his daughter.

10. Avoidance – He’s actually scared to try new experiences, but lies and says that he’s just not interested in things like that. He avoids any situation where he might not feel comfortable. He also runs from conflicts he can’t control. And he refuses to be open about what’s REALLY going on with him.

11. Contradiction – He uses his words to tell who he is and what he is about, and not his actions. Actually, his actions usually contradict what he believes about himself.

12. Loud – He talks real loud, for no reason, as if he needs attention.

13. Insecure Woman – He finds a woman who is insecure enough for him to control, and the only time they get along is during sex. Sex is the insecure woman’s safety net.

14. Overdoes it – He drives in tiny nails with a sledgehammer. And he usually misses. In other words, he tries to overdo everything to make himself seem more important, more powerful, more whatever than he really is. If he can’t hack it in the white man’s world, he’ll exaggerate his presence in a world of his own.

15. dikk Issues – He’s honestly worried about whose dikk is bigger or smaller than his. But he swears he’s not gay, either.

16. Jealousy – Even if he has a 2008 BMW, he’s still jealous of people driving a 2009 BMW. He tends to “hate” more than motivate.

17. Trendy – He waits until other people think something is hot before he feels the same way.

18. Low Standards – He often goes after unattractive women because he subconsciously believes that they have lower standards and will thus accept him. He avoids women and other situations that require someone to be sure of himself. He acts like its all about sex, but it’s deeper.

19. …..

20. Lies – He lies about things that don’t even matter, just to reinforce the positive (false) image of himself that he’s trying to put out.

Sound familiar? This may describe one of your partners (or many of them) or (if you’re a woman) the man in your life. What can you do? Sadly, not much. You can point it out, and hopefully they’ll change. But most of the time, a man’s insecurity will keep him from even seeing your point. Your best bet is simply to find new company.

Insecurity is a dangerous weakness. Eliminate it or avoid it.

20 Signs She’s Insecure

It’s funny how most insecure women scream "I’m not insecure" the loudest. Here are my observations about insecurity, and if the shoe fits, fix your feet. To be fair, I may not be insecure, but I can be impulsive, insensitive, inappropriate, indecisive, and a ton of other words that stare with "I" (but not impotent). But I’m Me…. So I just can’t be insecure.

1. She says she NOT insecure about ANYTHING, very loudly (reassuring herself she’ll believe it)

2. She attempts to control what you do and where you go (A control mechanism intended so you only answer to her)

3. She attempts to change your friends, or puts them down (another control mechanism)

4. She won’t leave the house without makeup on or a jazzy outfit (not comfortable with herself as she is)

5. She uses makeup to make herself look COMPLETELY different from her natural appearance.

6. She’s attempting to redecorate herself as a white woman (blonde hair, light makeup, blue contacts, self-hating attitude)

7. She’s scared to have feelings for you, or has other walls up.

8. She always putting down other women (being comfortable with yourself allows you to not feel like you’re competing with every other woman)

9. She spends a lot of time drunk or high (staying in a haze to escape her reality)

10. She’s been abused, traumatized, or victimized and NEVER dealt with it (thus never healed)

11. She needs the lights off to have sex (insecure about her body)

12. She’s a germaphobe, hypochondriac… or a paranoid schizophrenic

13. She constantly needs attention of any kind, negative or positive

14. She can’t spend quite time alone enjoying herself

15. She needs to be on her cell phone throughout the day (her way of never being alone)

16. She uses material things (clothes, cars, money, etc) to make her feel valuable and confident

17. She draws attention to what she feels are her BEST features, but they are all physical (but what’s under the surface?)

18. She makes assumptions about who you’ve been with or what you’ve been doing (jealous paranoia is hell!)

19. She argues about everything (another unhealthy way for her to feel some sense of power)

20. She checks your phone, reads your email, attempts to kill your ex, or cuts off your penis

If the shoe fits, it must be legit. But don’t look at this list as a means to condemn women. The truth is that almost all women of color are insecure to some extent. It’s natural. Just as our men are bashed into running from responsible manhood, our women have been scrutinized, dehumanized, objectified and hypersexualized to the point where they worry about the most minute details as if they can determine how much of a woman she is. A woman isn’t a woman because of how skinny she is, how pretty she is, or how much other people love or like her… but our women have been led to believe that. So of course they’re insecure. So work with em. And tell em to work with you. Cause a lot of times the items on this list can apply to men to! We’re all f*cked up. Let’s fix us.

We’ve all got to grow up together.

Rap, Race and Revolution: Solutions for Our Struggle

~*Supreme Understanding

"If men as individuals surrender to the call of their elementary instincts, avoiding pain and seeking satisfaction only for their own selves, the result for them all taken together must be a state of insecurity, of fear, and of promiscuous misery." ~*Albert Einstein

Everybody, give it up for @KnowledgeIsQueen


Apr 30, 2012

20 Signs A Man Is Insecure

Some of you dudes are raging cases of testosterone overdoses, but that doesn’t mean you’re a real man either. One of the biggest hurdles to true manhood is overcoming your insecurities. And unfortunately, many of our men are far more insecure than our women. Here’s a way to check yourself, or the brothers you know, for defects.

1. Control issues – He seeks to control his woman by making her think, say, and do, what he wants. What he wants is a pet, not a partner. And even a pet won’t do what you tell it most of the time.

2. Overcompensating – He compensates for his shortcomings by dealing with several women at one time, none of whom know about each other. He does a lot of lying to keep himself "looking" sincere.

3. Materialism – He tries to make himself into a more impressive person by surrounding himself with material things that he can show off. Although this dude may not own a house, he WILL need the newest, hottest care to drive.

4. Appearance – He’s worried about appearances more than anything. His woman has to act and look a certain way. He can’t leave the house unless he is looking a certain way. There’s nothing wrong with some pride and hygiene, but dudes like this are missing important things (like a bank account) while trying to show off.

5. Support Group – Not only is he extremely concerned about what other people think of him, he needs to constantly be surrounded by other people who reinforce and supports what he already thinks.

6. Takes It Personal – He thinks someone disagreeing with or criticizing him means that they have a personal problem with him… and he takes it personally.

7. Petty Boy – He gets emotional about the pettiest of things, but argues that he’s right for the way he responds.

8. Baby Boy – He finds a woman who will treat him like she’s his mother.

9. Big Daddy – He treats that same woman like she’s his daughter.

10. Avoidance – He’s actually scared to try new experiences, but lies and says that he’s just not interested in things like that. He avoids any situation where he might not feel comfortable. He also runs from conflicts he can’t control. And he refuses to be open about what’s REALLY going on with him.

11. Contradiction – He uses his words to tell who he is and what he is about, and not his actions. Actually, his actions usually contradict what he believes about himself.

12. Loud – He talks real loud, for no reason, as if he needs attention.

13. Insecure Woman – He finds a woman who is insecure enough for him to control, and the only time they get along is during sex. Sex is the insecure woman’s safety net.

14. Overdoes it – He drives in tiny nails with a sledgehammer. And he usually misses. In other words, he tries to overdo everything to make himself seem more important, more powerful, more whatever than he really is. If he can’t hack it in the white man’s world, he’ll exaggerate his presence in a world of his own.

15. dikk Issues – He’s honestly worried about whose dikk is bigger or smaller than his. But he swears he’s not gay, either.

16. Jealousy – Even if he has a 2008 BMW, he’s still jealous of people driving a 2009 BMW. He tends to “hate” more than motivate.

17. Trendy – He waits until other people think something is hot before he feels the same way.

18. Low Standards – He often goes after unattractive women because he subconsciously believes that they have lower standards and will thus accept him. He avoids women and other situations that require someone to be sure of himself. He acts like its all about sex, but it’s deeper.

19. …..

20. Lies – He lies about things that don’t even matter, just to reinforce the positive (false) image of himself that he’s trying to put out.

Sound familiar? This may describe one of your partners (or many of them) or (if you’re a woman) the man in your life. What can you do? Sadly, not much. You can point it out, and hopefully they’ll change. But most of the time, a man’s insecurity will keep him from even seeing your point. Your best bet is simply to find new company.

Insecurity is a dangerous weakness. Eliminate it or avoid it.

20 Signs She’s Insecure

It’s funny how most insecure women scream "I’m not insecure" the loudest. Here are my observations about insecurity, and if the shoe fits, fix your feet. To be fair, I may not be insecure, but I can be impulsive, insensitive, inappropriate, indecisive, and a ton of other words that stare with "I" (but not impotent). But I’m Me…. So I just can’t be insecure.

1. She says she NOT insecure about ANYTHING, very loudly (reassuring herself she’ll believe it)

2. She attempts to control what you do and where you go (A control mechanism intended so you only answer to her)

3. She attempts to change your friends, or puts them down (another control mechanism)

4. She won’t leave the house without makeup on or a jazzy outfit (not comfortable with herself as she is)

5. She uses makeup to make herself look COMPLETELY different from her natural appearance.

6. She’s attempting to redecorate herself as a white woman (blonde hair, light makeup, blue contacts, self-hating attitude)

7. She’s scared to have feelings for you, or has other walls up.

8. She always putting down other women (being comfortable with yourself allows you to not feel like you’re competing with every other woman)

9. She spends a lot of time drunk or high (staying in a haze to escape her reality)

10. She’s been abused, traumatized, or victimized and NEVER dealt with it (thus never healed)

11. She needs the lights off to have sex (insecure about her body)

12. She’s a germaphobe, hypochondriac… or a paranoid schizophrenic

13. She constantly needs attention of any kind, negative or positive

14. She can’t spend quite time alone enjoying herself

15. She needs to be on her cell phone throughout the day (her way of never being alone)

16. She uses material things (clothes, cars, money, etc) to make her feel valuable and confident

17. She draws attention to what she feels are her BEST features, but they are all physical (but what’s under the surface?)

18. She makes assumptions about who you’ve been with or what you’ve been doing (jealous paranoia is hell!)

19. She argues about everything (another unhealthy way for her to feel some sense of power)

20. She checks your phone, reads your email, attempts to kill your ex, or cuts off your penis

If the shoe fits, it must be legit. But don’t look at this list as a means to condemn women. The truth is that almost all women of color are insecure to some extent. It’s natural. Just as our men are bashed into running from responsible manhood, our women have been scrutinized, dehumanized, objectified and hypersexualized to the point where they worry about the most minute details as if they can determine how much of a woman she is. A woman isn’t a woman because of how skinny she is, how pretty she is, or how much other people love or like her… but our women have been led to believe that. So of course they’re insecure. So work with em. And tell em to work with you. Cause a lot of times the items on this list can apply to men to! We’re all f*cked up. Let’s fix us.

We’ve all got to grow up together.

Rap, Race and Revolution: Solutions for Our Struggle

~*Supreme Understanding

"If men as individuals surrender to the call of their elementary instincts, avoiding pain and seeking satisfaction only for their own selves, the result for them all taken together must be a state of insecurity, of fear, and of promiscuous misery." ~*Albert Einstein
Everybody, give it up for @KnowledgeIsQueen

wow, you really are as stupid as a sack of pennies, aren't you?

That's a book quote.

Here's the book: