Women of color ARE exposed to more beauty product-related chemicals than whites, study reveals


Jul 27, 2012
Women of color exposed to more beauty toxins than whites | Daily Mail Online

Women of color have higher levels of beauty-product-related chemicals in their bodies compared to white women, a new study reveals.

Researchers at George Washington University set out to investigate cosmetic toxins as studies show chemical exposure is make more and more women infertile.

The team analyzed years of studies on cosmetics - from toxicology reports to market analyses on how much make-up women use.

They found cosmetics marketed directly to ethnic minorities - such as skin lighteners, hair straighteners, and odor masking products - contain far higher levels than products marketed to white women.

These toxins include formaldehyde, phthalates, parabens, lead, mercury, triclosan, and benzophenone - which have all been linked to hormone-disruption, cancer, and reproductive harm.

Their report also concluded that black, Latina and Asian women in America use far more beauty products than Caucasians, which they claim shows a pressure to meet Western beauty standards.

Experts claim the lengthy report, published as a commentary, is the first to comprehensively highlight major gaps in our understanding of the risks make-up chemicals pose to different races.


Researchers at George Washington University have compiled the most comprehensive report to date about how cosmetics marketed to ethnic minorities - such as skin lighteners and straighteners - contain more toxins than products marketed to white women (file image)

'The cosmetics industry is largely self-regulated so most of the information that's being provided about ingredients is voluntary,' lead author Dr Ami Zota, a professor in environmental and occupational health, told Daily Mail Online.

'Beauty product use is a critical but underappreciated source of reproductive harm and environmental injustice.

'Pressure to meet Western standards of beauty means Black, Latina and Asian American women are using more beauty products and thus are exposed to higher levels of chemicals known to be harmful to health.'

Dr Zota has spent more than a decade investigating chemicals in consumer products.

But in the last few years, her work has increasingly highlighted the racial disparities of this chemical exposure.

To further investigate, she collaborated with Bhavna Shamasunder, a social scientist at the Occidental College in Los Angeles.

And while both are experts in the field, it took around two years to pull together all the information to show how that the issue extends beyond the widely-discussed issues of toxins in skin lighteners and hair relaxers.

Finally published, the far-reaching paper comes on the heels of a rallying call from the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, urging medical professionals to invest resources in exposing how women are subjected to chemicals, and it is increasing the rate of fertility problems.

Explained: How beauty products for women of color are particularly dangerous

The report breaks down cosmetic dangers into product sections.


Typically, these products contain mercury, which can damage the kidneys and nervous system.

While the FDA has put a limit on mercury levels in skin products, these products are still found in stores across the US in Mexican and Dominican communities.

Indeed, the report cites a study in New York City which found Dominican women aged between 18 and 34 had higher levels of mercury in their urine than others. Skin-lightening creams were identified as a key source of exposure.

And case studies have revealed the devastating consequences of such exposure.

For example, they cite a recent CDC case study about a pregnant Mexican American woman had elevated blood mercury level of 15 μg/L.

That is nearly 3 times the CDC early reporting threshold.

Doctors found it was linked to face creams that contained over 20,000 ppm of mercury.


Speaking to Daily Mail Online, Dr Zota said: 'One area our study highlighted more than others was that of feminine care and hygiene products.'

Their study cites years of historical and scientific reports showing that 'imagined odor of African American women was historically used as a basis for moral judgement and an attempt to control sexual behavior'.

They found that to be a driving factor behind the high rates of deodorizing, douching, use of talc powder on the genitals, and vaginal wipes among African American women today.

A study done by Zota and colleagues in 2016 found that in a national sample of reproductive age women, those who reported douching frequently, had 150 percent higher exposures to a harmful chemical known as DEP.

This chemical, often found in fragranced beauty products, may cause birth defects in babies and has also been linked to health problems in women, Zota says.

And they cite studies outlining how that prejudice has lingered years on.

'Advertisers employed targeted marketing towards Black women with messages that encouraged self-consciousness of potential vaginal odors,' Drs Zota and Shamasunder write.

'These habits became embedded as a cultural norm, and now persist outside of marketing efforts.'


Black women are known to suffer more anxiety about having 'bad hair' and are twice as likely to experience social pressure to straighten their hair.

Hair products like straighteners or relaxers are likely to contain estrogen and can trigger premature reproductive development in young girls and possibly uterine tumors, the commentary says.

Other studies show that beauty and personal care products contain multiple, hidden chemicals that are linked to endocrine, reproductive or development toxicity.

Adding to existing exposure

Research shows that low-income women of color are more likely to live in an environment with high levels of pollutants contaminating the air, soil and water.

Thus, Drs Zota and Shamasunder say, women of color are not only heavy users of beauty products but may also be exposed to toxic chemicals simply by living in a more polluted home or neighborhood.

'For women who live in already polluted neighborhoods, beauty product chemicals may add to their overall burden of exposures to toxic chemicals,' Dr Shamasunder warns.

'Certain racial/ethnic groups may be systematically and disproportionately exposed to chemicals in beauty products since factors such as institutionalized racism can influence product use.'

In the commentary, the co-authors warn that multiple exposures to chemicals in beauty products and in the environment add up and can interfere with healthy reproduction and development.