Moms breastfeed their babies aboard subway train to stand up for their rights
About 30 women rode the A train — many with hungry babies along for the ride — to a Breastfeeding Week fair at Restoration Plaza in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.
“Sometimes it’s a little bit awkward when you get the stares,” Feleciano said. “But I know it’s the best for my son when he was younger. So I just did it.”
Moms exercise their right to breastfeed on the subway
About 30 women rode the A train — many with hungry babies along for the ride — to a Breastfeeding Week fair at Restoration Plaza in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.
“Sometimes it’s a little bit awkward when you get the stares,” Feleciano said. “But I know it’s the best for my son when he was younger. So I just did it.”
Moms exercise their right to breastfeed on the subway