
"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
By Percy Crawford | February 01, 2016



I'm going to give you a few stories and you could put this in print. This is just to let you know what I've dealt with and what some fighters may be dealing with right now. I'm not afraid to put it out there because I'm not going to be one of those athletes that you see in a story 15 years from now talking about how this guy was stealing and that guy was stealing and how they never got caught. And then the fans sit there and say, "How could you be so stupid and let someone steal from you?" I'm putting it on wax right now. I'm taking you along and letting you see what goes on, on a day to day basis, with fighters, athletes, and entertainers across the board. It is really sad. As a fighter, you put your life on the line. Guys walk into the ring and they don't walk out the same. Every time a fighter fights, he leaves a piece of himself in the ring. Money can't buy that back, but since it is a game of money, at least compensate the fighters. For someone to constantly steal from a fighter, and look a fighter dead in his eyes and look my family in their face and say, "Oh, I love you guys. You guys are the best and I'm so glad that we're a team and we're a family," and you're stealing a lot of money from that guy, you gotta be a real heartless person to do something like that. This guy has had dinner with my family. He sat down and talked with my dad and my wife and my two kids. It's sad!

I'm going to take you to the Bryan Vera fight. So the Bryan Vera fight, a couple of weeks before the fight, mind you, my manager is supposedly broke. Through training camp, I'm like, "Look, I need a place to stay. I need this. I need that." He didn't have it, so the money that I made from Boxcino and working two jobs, I had saved up. After doing my taxes, I had to pay for my own training camp to get ready for Bryan Vera; figure that. After I paid this dude a huge percentage out of Boxcino, I still had money left from Boxcino and the previous jobs I had worked to fund my own camp for the Vera fight. It was an ESPN fight, so it wasn't a lot of money made in that fight. So a sponsor comes up right before the Bryan Vera fight and my manager says, "I have a sponsor for you. They are only paying $1,000, but I think this is a company we can grow with." He's talking out the side of his neck. I know a lie when I hear one. So I'm like, "Alright, cool, whatever." This was while I was in Vegas sparring with Ishe Smith. So this sponsorship came up a little bit before then. So in November, I'm sparring with Ishe Smith, he drives over from California to Vegas, it's like a 4-hour drive, and he's like, "Yo, I got the sponsor locked in. All I need you to do is say that you'll do it and we're good. There are no papers to sign or nothing. I just need you to say that you will do it and we're locked in with the sponsor. They only paying $1,000, but I feel like we could grow with the company." He goes with that story again. I already know he's lying. So fast forward through camp, I pay for my own camp. This sponsor is supposed to be paying $1,000, oh, but they not going to give me the check until after the fight. Okay, cool, I pay for my own camp. So we get to the Bryan Vera fight and a couple of hours before weigh-ins, he's running around crazy. He comes up to my room with this bag of t-shirts and hats with the company name on it and his little managerial name on it. So I'm like, "Wait a minute. If a company gives you t-shirts to advertise their name on it, why is your brand on it too?" So he came to my room and was like, "Look man, I wish I could have gotten more, but these are the hats and shirts they want us to wear," and I'm not saying nothing; I'm just quiet and I'm letting him run his mouth. And he was like, "Look, I got it for us. They paying a thousand bucks and we going to rock and roll." I'm like, "Alright, cool. Thanks." He was like, "Will, you ain't saying much. You don't sound like you happy." I just told him I was focusing on the fight I had the next night. I wasn't very talkative. So when he leaves the room, I Google the company. It took me all of 10 minutes to get in touch with the guy who gave me the sponsorship.

So I'm talking nice to him. I'm like, "Hey, thanks a lot for the sponsorship. I can't wait to represent your company tomorrow. I really hope things go well. I'm so glad you guys picked me. I'm going to make you guys happy." And the guy was ecstatic to hear from me. He was like, "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you." So I'm like, "Hey, how much did you guys pay for that?" He said, "We gave your manager all of the checks." I said, "Yeah I'm just curious of how much you guys sent because I'm worried about medicals and my fight purse. I haven't even heard how much you guys are paying." He said, "Oh, we gave your manager $6,200." I didn't flip my hat like, oh, this dude lying to me because the company did what they were supposed to do. So I said, "Oh, okay, cool. Do you have those checks?" He said, "Oh, we already gave those checks to your manager." I said, "That's cool. Do you have a photocopy of those checks just for my tax documents? I keep a nice little folder of my own stuff just in case." He said, "No problem Mr. Monroe. I'll get those photocopies right over to you." He sends me the checks over. Don't you know a week before Thanksgiving, he gave my manager a check fro $5,000. So let's rewind back to when I was in camp with Ishe Smith. When I was in camp with Ishe Smith and he came to my hotel room saying he got a thousand dollars, that means the week before that, they had already gave him $5,000 and he spent it on Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff. But he sitting in my face straight up lying to me about a thousand bucks. They sent me a photocopy of the checks over in my email. So I showed it to my team and I said, "After this fight is over, I gotta get rid of this dude. This isn't right."

Now that's the sponsorship issue. Check this out! The day of the weigh-ins, I get off the scale and Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions is like, "Willie, I really need to talk to you." I'm doing a couple of interviews and trying to hydrate and Artie comes back within like 4 minutes and he says, "Willie, if you want your money for this fight, I really need to talk to you." So I'm like, "Okay, I really need to talk to my promoter," so I stopped doing the interviews. He pulls me to the side and he pulls out a piece of paper and he says, "Willie, is this your signature?" I said, "Heck no that's not my signature." He said, "I didn't think this was your signature." It was about 2 weeks before Christmas. I called Artie Pelullo myself and I was like, "Look Artie, throughout Boxcino, you guys were paying my manager his percentage out of my check. That was fine and dandy. Boxcino is over. I did that for Boxcino because the fights were so close and the tournament was all inclusive. So for the Vera fight, this is no longer Boxcino, so cut me my whole check and I'll write my manager his percentage out of my business account." Artie said, "Say no more. You're the fighter, it's your check, and you get the say. No problem." So for me to tell Artie that 2 weeks before Christmas and for him to come to me on January 16th with this fax saying take my manager's percentage out, it looked fishy to Artie. Artie said, "Look, as the promoter, I don't want to get myself caught up in this. Who am I paying?" I said, "Pay me!" He said, "Okay, well you will have to initial right here that this isn't your signature and that I have to pay you. Willie, I'm telling you, this is not the type of guy you want to deal with in boxing because he's going to make you look really bad." So not only is this dude forging my signature, he's stealing money. The crazy thing is, he never even gave me the thousand bucks off of the sponsorship deal. He took the entire $6,200. I'm quiet, I don't get into heated debates and arguments, but my grandfather always said, "You can give a person so much rope and they could either tie a pretty bow with that rope or hang themselves. The choice is theirs." You just have to give them enough rope. And this dude done hung himself a number of times.


These nikkas are crazy man...stealing from the fighters who are the ones who need every penny:wow:


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
People affiliated with the manager going at Willie Monroe in the comments field:whoo:.......and he goes right back at them:whoo:

HBO Boxing
Naw ya got this wrong my boy Damian Hollywood took Willie basically as a foster kid that Lou Dibella kicked to the curb after loosing to Darnell Boone.Bought this kid fights in Tennesse ran his record back up to respectability got him with some smart boxing people polished him back up and got him the biggest fight he could have dream of landing vs Triple g.I say the kids full of shyt trying to talk his way back to relevance
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1 · 13 hrs

True Knight
If you forge checks, or take money from someone without them knowing about it, its wrong. I dont care the history.
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19 · 13 hrs

Eddie Gonzales ·
HBO Boxing
My point is dont sound rigjt a guy doing all that to get a career on track that was for sure going no where.I think he wants to get on Pbc maybe being with his current manager that could not happen.Two sides to every story..I dont believe this induvidual.Damian Hollywood is fuking solid..
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1 · 13 hrs

Asmar Wedge ·
Atlanta, Georgia
Eddie Gonzales it almost sounds like you're saying this was justified to steal is wrong that's it
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Eddie Gonzales ·
HBO Boxing
Asmar Wedge I just aint buying it nobody else cared about Willie just like no one does now.shyt you think if people heard him crying about a petty four grand going to fukk with him.When the guy that took him from 7000 dollar fights to 400000 dollars?.I think he just wants to jump ship amd since hes on contract hes just trying anything to get out.Like I said I know Damian hes solid....


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
shyt getting real now:whew:

Manny Woods Jr
Works at Welterweight boxing
Damian manages me and has been straight forward with me in regard to the business aspect of this game...Listen this DUDE is full of shyt, first of all HIS SO CALLED EX MANAGER STILL HAS HIM ON CONTRACT TO THIS DAY. IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME CALL THE FLORIDA STATE COMMISSION 850488 8500 (ITS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE) AND VERIFY IT!! FIGHTHYPE NEED TO CHECK THEY FACTS BEFORE THEY JUST PRINT shyt. FIRST YOU SAID HE STOLE $5000 NOW YOUR SAYING $6200 WHICH ONE IS IT!! SO TELL THESE PEOPLE THE TRUTH MANE . Ive worked with this guy for years and HES A STAND UP BUSINESS GUY MY MONEY ALWAYS BEEN RIGHT. trust me ur full of shyt willie!!Truth of the matter is YOU GOT EMBARRASSED BY GGG and was getting hated on by YOUR own city.Dame took you on after lou dibella KICKED YOU TO THE CURB. and the only reason why you REALLY hating on dame right now is because ur trying to get haymon to sign ur pillow punching ass.!! STOP GIVING UP IN FIGHTS IN FRONT OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IF YOUR REALLY TRYING TO BE DOWN WITH HAYMON!!......Keep my name out your mouth Willie....i don't care what you or anyone else has to say about me bra...Now sharpen that up.
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2 · 12 hrs

Willie El Mongoose Monroe Jr.
Manny brother I've never even mentioned u brotha...ur not worth me mentioning brah...watch ya pockets homie looks at your losses brah I lost to one of the best not some flum Num on an undercard lol pillow punchin?? Didn't I play with u when I was sparring with ya weak ass go get some reasonable wins then come talk to me dame probably rapping u also along with the rest of y'all slow dude
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14 · 12 hrs

Manny Woods Jr ·
Works at Welterweight boxing
Willie tighten up pimp...I ain't even finna rap wit you on here dawg...say what u please but it seems you have bigger problems than me homeboy...shyt i ain't a quitter like you...Oh btw do a better job bout keeping ya business under wraps..I thought better of ya bra
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1 · 12 hrs

Willie El Mongoose Monroe Jr.
He probably stealing from u also and u necking him off pick a stuggle dumby you'll never be good enough to be on my under cards brah God bless u Man U gone retire broke and busted if u don't watch ur pockets lol I knew u were dumb when first met u could barely even put a sentence together go read a book
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5 · 12 hrs

Manny Woods Jr ·
Works at Welterweight boxing
Lmao you mad bro...Just keep ya PERSONAL life in check glass chin..
Like · Reply · 11 hrs

Willie El Mongoose Monroe Jr.
@Manny I knew u weren't he sharpest tool in the shed when I met u bro god bless u man no matter how much shade u try to throw you'll always be about 5 steps behind me jus...it's proven ur taking up for a thief but hey if u don't mind being broke I don't mind it either...watch ya pockets good ol boy
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3 · 11 hrs


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012

Tom Turner
New Orleans, Louisiana
hey willie i respect you as a fighter and when it comes to the canelo fight i hope u get it would be a great fight for the fans.Altho i dont agree with the ex managers fighter getting involved i do have some questions tho. 1.If this happended back during the vera fight that was over a year ago why did you wait so long to come forward? 2nd why havent you pressed criminal charges against this guy and had his ass thrown in jail? and last but not least was his fighter correct in saying that he currently still has you on contract? respectfully
Like · Reply · 8 hrs

Willie El Mongoose Monroe Jr.
Some things I can't speak on and I didn't say anything right after he Vera fight because I'm a good enough guy to try and protect this dude dignity but he wants to make threats to my family and talkin about takin it to the streets which I find very funny when I am the streets and I feel I need to get more athletes and entertainers hip to what goes down in a regular basis we have casual fans who don't understand the reality of these situation and if they did so many trolls and critics wouldn't exist in this world I'm a hard worker brotha I from the moment my feet touch the ground in the Am to when I lay my head on my pillow at night which at one time I was laying my head on a floor I'm working my ass off im 29 and for that to be the story of my life and have some greedy person come along and take food outta my family mouth for all the work I put in....
Like · Reply · 1 hr


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012

By Percy Crawford | February 02, 2016



I'll give you another story. I did the movie "Southpaw". None of my parts made the movie. I don't know what happened. I played Tyrese's best friend. None of his parts made the movie either. They paid me homage. They put my name and my character that I played in the credits. I don't know if I'm on any of the deleted scenes, but they saw my personality on Boxcino and asked Artie Pelullo about me being in the movie and Artie was like, "Yeah, this kid is perfect. He has personality, he can fight, he's charismatic, and he's articulate. You got the right guy." So what Artie did is say, "Look, I'm going to pass you on to his manager because I'm not the movie star guy manager. Here is his manager's information," and he passed it off. My manager comes to me like, "I got you this movie deal." So he doesn't know that I already know that they came to Artie with the offer. I got paid what they call stag rate or something like that. I was on the set for 8 days and I worked for 4, so I got paid close to $5,000 and after taxes and everything, I didn't get that. But the opportunity was awesome. I'm a registered actor now and I made a little bit of extra money. It was great. Going into it, you know what my manager at the time said? He said, "Hey, look, I talked to my man and because I'm involved in your boxing and I'm your manager, I get 28% of that, but this is another branch of entertainment and I shouldn't be entitled to 28%, but I was thinking more like 10 or 15, what do you think?" And I'm like, "Wait a minute! You're supposed to be a manager making all of this money. Why do you want 15% of my $4,500?"

This is the thing, as a manager, your job is to protect the fighter and to get your fighter the most money with the least risk. I know people don't want to hear that, but that's just the truth. You should be fighting to get your fighter sponsorships and things like that to keep him afloat financially. Say I'm getting $100,000 for a fight. My manager is getting 30%, that's $30,000, and the trainer gets 10%, that's another $10,000, and then the strength and conditioning coach may get 5%, and then a cut guy may get 2%. We're talking 48% of your money right there. Out of $100,000 that you worked to get, you're only walking away with $52,000. My job as a manager would be to get you as much money off of sponsorships as possible to make up for what you're paying out because you deserve that because you're putting your life on the line. It's not my job to get a percentage and to scrape all of your sponsorships too. After the Bryan Vera fight, we had a meeting in my hotel room because this was like the fifth or sixth time I caught this dude stealing. I'm talking $500 here, $200 there, and $150 here. I told him, "You don't have to steal from me. If you are hurting that bad, just come at me and ask if I could throw you an extra $500 because you busted ass to get me a sponsorship." I'm a good person. I would do that.

This one will trip you out. So after I have my comeback fight in 2012 when I first started working with this guy, I had been out of the ring for 17 months. After I lost to Darnell Boone, my team walked away from me. Everybody knows the story. I finally got my comeback fight and I'm training out of a garage for my comeback fight. I made all of $1,100. I didn't make a lot of money. I had to sell tickets to make my purse. I sold about $1,600 in tickets and I walked away with…I signed for only $1,000 and then the percentage I got off of the commission on the tickets, so I made about $1,100-$1,200. It wasn't a lot, but I was happy to get back in the ring. So the promoter up here pays for the opponent to come in. Don't you know my manager at the time said he paid the $2,000 for the opponent to come in? He doesn't think that I'm cool with the promoters in Rochester. I'm doubling back on everything that he does. I let that slide. My grandfather also told me, "If you let a person know how smart you are, they'll get smarter." Sometimes you gotta play the fool and let them think they are getting away.

So then he lines me up to go spar with Randall Bailey. I wanted to go spar with Randall Bailey simply because Randall Bailey is an awesome freaking fighter. Come to find out after going to camp with him, Randall Bailey is just a good dude. It was one of the best camps I've ever been a part of. So he took me down there to spar with Randall Bailey. I'm not making any money. I'm making like $250 a week to spar with him, and I didn't mind that because I had paid my rent up with my income tax money. I paid my rent up through the lease. My son was like 3 months old and at the time, I was getting unemployment because I wasn't employed. I was only getting like $170 in unemployment, so if I was only getting that, I felt I would only be in Rochester training and looking for a job, so why not go to Florida and train and get paid for it? People was telling me, "That's stupid. You should get way more money than that." It just made more sense to go to Florida and train and get paid $250 as opposed to training at home for free and getting $170. A little bit of something is better than a whole bunch of nothing. I wanted the experience as well because I had my wheels churning. I had just fought and I was about to be sparring with a world champion, so it was a no-brainer to take it.

Randall didn't provide me with a spot to stay because it was last minute notice, so I stayed with the dad of my manager at the time. When I first signed with him, I told him, "I was going to need a quarterly expense report from you that includes everything you invested in me." This should have let him know that I was no dummy. I said, "Every 4 months, I'm going to need an expense report from you so I would know how much you invested so that at the end of the year, it will all add up." I needed a receipt basically. He said, "Okay, cool!" So after I spar with Randall Bailey, I come home, and this was in October because he was getting ready to fight the kid, Devon Alexander. So I came home and I said, "I need that quarterly expense report." He sends me the quarterly expense. Mind you, I'm staying with his dad and he was like, "Oh yeah, my dad charged me like $40 a night for you to stay there." I stayed at his dad's house for 3 weeks. Figure that, $40 a night for me to stay at his dad's house and then he put the $2,000 that he said he spent on the fight purse for the opponent when I know he didn't. And then some other stuff was on there.

But check this, when I stayed at his dad's house, right, I paid for my own food. His dad didn't pay for anything for me. I was staying there with rats and roaches, bruh. And not only was I staying there with rats and roaches, one day I came in the house, it was holes eaten through my bread. So right away, I didn't think mice would do that. He also had some family staying there and the kids were like really bad. They were just doing some reckless stuff. Whenever they were there, I would just bounce. My cousin didn't live that far away. I would just get on my bike and ride by my cousin's house. The first thing I thought was the kids ate through the bag because I'm thinking, who the heck would eat through the bread and just leave it on the counter like that? So I threw the bread away and I look at the rest of the bag of bread and it's like five more pieces with the whole top ate off of it. There were like little nibbles throughout the bag and I'm like, "Oh shyt, this wasn't the kids. This was a freaking mouse." So I took pictures of the bread and sent it to my boy TJ like, "Yo, I think he got mice." My man said, "Nah bruh, he gots rats. Ain't no mice eating through no loaf of bread like that." I'm in there with rats and roaches and bruh, when I say roaches, I'm talking roaches in the house. My wife told me not to come home until I burned the bag and burned the clothes. My wife was heated.

His dad was in the military and his dad was going to have me sleeping on a military cot. I slept on the couch. I said, "Bruh, I can's sleep on a military cot." I'm from the hood, from the streets. I have been in some crazy positions, I done damn near been homeless before, but I was not about to sleep on no military cot. That wasn't about to happen. When he told me his dad charged him $40 a night to stay there, I said, "Number one, I know you're lying. If your dad charged you to let one of your fighters stay there, he's freaking wrong. And number two, through the job my wife had at the bank, I could have stayed in a 5-star hotel for $40 a night through her discount." If I was dumb, he would have really got over on me. He sent me this expense report for like $8 g's! I told him I know he didn't pay for that opponent because I was a part of that whole thing. He helped find the opponent; he didn't pay for him. I knew the numbers behind all of it and I just kept giving him chances. He wouldn't apologize. He blames it on Steve Nelson that the money got mixed up and that Steve Nelson stole $2,000 from him and he said, "It's okay. I let that slide." As greedy as he was, no way he was just letting $2,000 slide. You take $3-$400 from me, but you going to let this dude over here slide on $2 g's!

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
I believe everything Willie said and I feel for breh - fighters work way too hard and risk WAY too much to have their money fukked with - but a lot of this he did to himself, or rather just let happen. Apparently he knew this dude had been stealing money from him, even if it's little amounts, for a long time, and he just keeps letting it go or giving second and third chances. All a mother fukker has to do - ESPECIALLY someone who is actually supposed to be looking out for you - is steal from you one time and that should be game over. Willie said he's from the streets, he's gotta know that.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
I believe everything Willie said and I feel for breh - fighters work way too hard and risk WAY too much to have their money fukked with - but a lot of this he did to himself, or rather just let happen. Apparently he knew this dude had been stealing money from him, even if it's little amounts, for a long time, and he just keeps letting it go or giving second and third chances. All a mother fukker has to do - ESPECIALLY someone who is actually supposed to be looking out for you - is steal from you one time and that should be game over. Willie said he's from the streets, he's gotta know that.

I can't believe I'm about to say this but he was too loyal. I hope people understand what I mean given the context. Dude knew Hollywood was playing him but it was almost like he was just waiting for him to come clean. He shouldn't have given him a chance. He shoulda just let him know from jump that something wasn't right. But I kinda understand why he didn't. He didn't want Hollywood to try and talk his way out of anything and preferred for him to continuously dig himself into a deeper hole. I guess that make a lil sense. But still, how long do you let a dude keep fukkin' you over?