Upcoming album · Based on a True Story
Will Smith · Releases on Mar 27, 2025 · 14 songs

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WordShh!t better not be a Joyner Lucas album rapped by Will or I'm a be heated
Lost and Found still sounds so good man,WordI'm bout to listen. I actually fukked with Lost And Found heavy when it dropped
so I been looking forward to this
The album is tolerable, the album run time is a tad bit over 30 minutes so it's not going to hold you for too long.I'll listen just cause im intrigued at how this will sound.
Exactly how I felt, especially when the Spanish joint came onBut overall, it’s a bit all over the place, like he’s trying to reach every audience—streamers, gospel listeners, international fans, and hip-hop heads.
Yea I wasn't feeling anything but the intro. I wish more of the beats were like thatI really liked the intro Barbershop joint, it’s creative and it’s addressing everything…and knockin. I like “Lookin for Me”, too, he talking that shhit. From there on it kinda lost me, he’s being too motivational and try-hard with the redemptive narrative and all that…
I’m such a super Will fan I’d even be fine with that, but the songs themselves ain’t my twist, idk what he’s going for with like 70% of these sounds. If he just kept the vibe like the first 2 joints he could have still got his message off and it would have been sonically pleasing at the same time.. Ehh, like a D+ for me, maybe a C- cause that’s my nig. If it was anybody else I might Fail it tho.. I’ll give it another try later, maybe a different setting will make it hit different..