Why women still pay more for cars


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
Do women pay more?

"Unfortunately yes, according to Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, who write in their 2003 book “Women Don’t Ask” that because they typically don’t like to negotiate, some women pay as much as US$1,353 more than men for new cars.

When asked to pick metaphors for the process of negotiating, the men they talked to picked "winning a ballgame" and a “wrestling match,” while women picked “going to the dentist.”

But men are more likely to be up-sold at the dealership, says Garbowski. Women are more practical, buying a car that fits their budget with the minimum options they need, while men are more likely to be sold upgrade packages with extra bells and whistles.

What cars do women buy?

Women are 67 per cent more likely to buy crossovers than men, but when it comes to luxury sports cars, men are four times more likely to own one of these flashy rides, and three times more likely to drive pickup trucks. Men and women purchase both minivans and hatchbacks equally, says Phong Ly, CEO of iSeeCars.com in a press release.

What do they spend?

When it comes to price, men are four times more likely to buy high end cars, $45,000 U.S. and up, than women. There was only a small gender divide in low priced cars, with women five per cent more likely to purchase vehicles under $15,000, according to iSeeCars.com’s study.

How do they Research Cars?

Samantha Kohn of CarProof.com says that women are more likely to read reviews on social media and consult online forums, and that they will visit an average of two dealerships before buying, and that “72 per cent of women who leave a dealership without purchasing won’t return.”

At Porsche and Maserati, they call their customers “Mr.”

High end brands skew dramatically to male buyers, with men more 10 times more likely to purchase Maseratis, and 4.6 times more likely to buy from Porsche.

Women gravitate to Kia at twice the rate of men, and 67 per cent more women choose Hyundai models.

Do women care about the colour?

Men and women don’t always agree on colour choice. iSeeCars.com studied hundreds of thousands of inquiries about used cars, and found that men prefer red (12.3%) and orange (11.8%) more than women, who picked silver the most, at 9.2%, and then brown (9.1%) and gold (7.3%). They found that red and black were the most popular colours for used sports cars.

The colours most chosen by women are the colours most often seen on minivans, sedans and wagons, reported the company. “These study results could suggest that women are more practical in their choices. For the most part, they may just want to buy a reasonably priced car that safely drives them around,” Phong Ly co-founder and CEO of iSeeCars.com said in an email. “On the other hand, for men, perhaps they may be a bit more idealistic about cars, preferring something that has speed and is fun to drive.”



The Coli
Apr 1, 2013

Orange tho :scusthov:





Nov 19, 2013
My dad bought my sister a car. He said he was going to buy me one too, but idk if he actually will. I don't have to worry about stuff like this.


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
Learning about cars is not something women are taught growing up. I'll admit, I grew up around men so I never learned things like how to a mow a lawn,fix an AC unit, pull out the carpet from the floor and replace it with tiles. My dad and brothers do all of that stuff. The only thing I learned about cars was how to change a tire, vacuum the inside of a car (no brainer), and wash the car (basic 101). A car is an essential item in the modern world. The salesman may be describing the pros and cons of the car and the woman may not even know what he's talking about and just buy the car because it looks nice and she heard the the engine is nice.

My father deals with a lot of cars (sells cars internationally to people who are looking for cars), and has many friends that are mechanics. The one thing about cars I definitely learned from my father is that a lot of dealerships will take used cars and just give it a nice paint job, clean the interior, and the exterior. Some are selling flooded cars to unsuspecting people. I'm buying my first car in October/November this year. I am definitely taking my father and a mechanic family friend with me.


Jul 15, 2012
Learning about cars is not something women are taught growing up. I'll admit, I grew up around men so I never learned things like how to a mow a lawn,fix an AC unit, pull out the carpet from the floor and replace it with tiles. My dad and brothers do all of that stuff. The only thing I learned about cars was how to change a tire, vacuum the inside of a car (no brainer), and wash the car (basic 101). A car is an essential item in the modern world. The salesman may be describing the pros and cons of the car and the woman may not even know what he's talking about and just buy the car because it looks nice and she heard the the engine is nice.

My father deals with a lot of cars (sells cars internationally to people who are looking for cars), and has many friends that are mechanics. The one thing about cars I definitely learned from my father is that a lot of dealerships will take used cars and just give it a nice paint job, clean the interior, and the exterior. Some are selling flooded cars to unsuspecting people. I'm buying my first car in October/November this year. I am definitely taking my father and a mechanic family friend with me.

I've never bought a car without my Dad's good friend (who is a mechanic) test driving it. There were a few cars that I brought to him and after inspecting them he said no. Similar to what you said, he looked a one car's engine and looked underneath the car and could tell that it came from the north/very cold region with lots of snow and freezing temperatures (I forgot what he saw). There was also some wear underneath the car that he thought was worrisome. We went back and told the dealer about these things and come to find out the car had previously been totaled and rebuilt. Of course I didn't get it. I've had three cars (all checked by him) and they all treated me well.

I don't need anyone for negotiating though. I always do hella research on the type of car I'm looking for and figure out what is responsible. I won't budge from that price.

Also, if you are buying a used car (even from a dealership) look and see what they are selling it for on craigslist (YES craiglist). One salesperson with the Toyota dealership in my old town was trying to make me pay $3,000 more than what the dealership had listed the car for on craiglists. I was a walk in customer so he didn't think I would be looking for comps online. When I saw that it was the exact same car with the exact same contact person, I let him know that I was on to him and that he would never get my business.


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
Before I purchase a new car, I do research and if you can go through your bank/credit union even better. My car was purchased last year and couldn't be happier. Someone joked recently that I finally bought a real car....whatever that means. It's my first foreign car though.


Aug 12, 2012
The reason listed in the Original post is bullshyt. Its the same reason why insurance rates are higher for younger people.

Women pay more for cars because they are much more of a liability. Women are the main causes of rear end collisions.

Not being sexist just being honest. That is why they get charged more. They drive like maniacs on the road