Why Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor is WOAT


Nov 5, 2015
This movie is one of the worst AA chick flick films I've ever witnessed. I've ranted about it irl to so many people and I will do the same here. I LOVED the play version of this. It's actually my favorite Tyler Perry play that wasn't too over the top, greatly executed and most importantly NO MADEA.

As far as the picture and acting goes for this film, it's solid(ish). The actors are good, they were just given a terrible script.

On top of that, which is the bane of the film's existence, the storyline is retarded.

I'm not going to go into details about what the film is about, you can wiki that yourself. Once you have you should know that I have a REAL problem with the message this movie tried to throw at us.

"Your life will go to absolute shyt if you have an affair." :demonic:

And there are tons of other messages this film so poorly tried to execute but this one stuck with me the most.

I get that marriage is supposed to be sacred and that you should stick it out with the person through rough patches. I'm a firm believer in this myself, especially when I get married. But the way they went about teaching this lesson was bullshyt.

First of all, Judith and Brice were both at fault in the marriage. Judith had aspirations for herself and wanted to actually progress in life whereas Brice, who acknowledged those goals, didn't really support her at a timely manner. It could be argued that he was thinking realistically, but due to his very lax (extremely lax) character it seemed that he didn't prioritize putting much thought into helping out his wife. She was obviously frustrated over this and she bottled it up for his sake.

There was also the issue of Brice just not being what she wanted in a man. They had been "in love" since they were kids. :rudy: shyt was doomed to fail from the get because she was basically in love with her brother the entire time.

The character development was really fukking shytty too. The man Judith had an affair with started off smooth as fukk and as :scusthov: as I was when watching the two on screen, they (their characters) had chemistry and matched very well. However the story deemed it fit that the man suddenly become extremely crazy and Judith become extremely irrational :mindblown:
Really movie? You couldn't go about this a little more realistically? As soon as Judith decides that she's going to be with this rich man, even going as far as leaving her husband (so there is no longer an relationship romantically) her life just goes to hell. Nothing good happens, ever, the rest of the time. She gets abused AFTER she has already left her husband, she gets HIV, she loses her job and pretty much everything else that mattered to her.

What kills me is that they have the nerve to show Brice with a younger woman at the end of the movie :heh: Like why does he come out with a happy ending when he played a role in her downfall too? This isn't right, movie. shyt was bizarre and I'm still not quite over it even two years later :dahell:

But yeah, that's my take on this piece of shyt.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
I loved it.

fukk with your vowels, get shyt in return. No matter if both parties are at fault in the marriage, once someone takes that step outside the boundaries, they instantly became the reason for the failed relationship.


Did she deserve HIV? Probably not, but refusing to cheat makes that shyt not possible.



Nov 5, 2015
I loved it.


Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s

Seriously though, It represented perfectly why a lot of relationships go to shyt, completely lack of communication. She had issues about Bryce's traditional ways, but never once had a serious discussion about it. And the night of her birthday when he finally realized he fukked up, tried singing to her. So that shows he'd be willing to adjust for certain things. You can't just come in and start some freaky deaky shyt and expect him to act with the program if you know that's not how shyt go down, some folks just ain't down for that. So her getting mad at him was pointless, had no one to be mad at but herself.


In the end, they did what was probably the best for both and went their seperate ways. Now she might have to live her life knowing the best thing she ever had is gone, but life all about choice and consequence. She seemed to be doing pretty well at the end though for the most part. HIV fukked up, but it ain't a death sentence with the right treatment and vigilance.


Nov 5, 2015

Seriously though, It represented perfectly why a lot of relationships go to shyt, completely lack of communication. She had issues about Bryce's traditional ways, but never once had a serious discussion about it. And the night of her birthday when he finally realized he fukked up, tried singing to her. So that shows he'd be willing to adjust for certain things. You can't just come in and start some freaky deaky shyt and expect him to act with the program if you know that's not how shyt go down, some folks just ain't down for that. So her getting mad at him was pointless, had no one to be mad at but herself.


In the end, they did what was probably the best for both and went their seperate ways. Now she might have to live her life knowing the best thing she ever had is gone, but life all about choice and consequence. She seemed to be doing pretty well at the end though for the most part. HIV fukked up, but it ain't a death sentence with the right treatment and vigilance.

I don't think he was the best thing in her life. Even if she didn't have the affair they weren't well matched. Everyone had really poor character development so it's plausible either way but Brice's character was...I don't want to say soft but he kinda was? The scene where they were walking back to the car and a few guys started calling her out of her name and cat calling really upset her. Granted she was acting a bit belligerent in her response but he didn't do JACK shyt. It was one of those "what would you do moments" gone wrong. Brice didn't deserve her but he married her.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
I don't think he was the best thing in her life. Even if she didn't have the affair they weren't well matched. Everyone had really poor character development so it's plausible either way but Brice's character was...I don't want to say soft but he kinda was? The scene where they were walking back to the car and a few guys started calling her out of her name and cat calling really upset her. Granted she was acting a bit belligerent in her response but he didn't do JACK shyt. It was one of those "what would you do moments" gone wrong. Brice didn't deserve her but he married her.
Some folks are just non confrontational like that, though yea he could have said something. Probably just chalked it up to idiots being idiots. Remember though that she saw the other side to that too when ole boy was about to beat another nikka into a hospital bed for the simplest shyt. Had her like :whoa: real quick.

A lot of it had to do with her experiencing new shyt. I think they grew up in a fairly rural community and even grew up together. She use to the country lifestyle then all of sudden was thrown into some hollywood shyt, came at her too hard and too fast. Next thing you know she a damn junkie. Brice and her might not have been a good pair, but that crazy nikka for damn sure wasn't what she needed either.


Blazé Blazé
Apr 6, 2015
Stuff like this happens everyday, she didn't deserve HIV but she didn't deserve her husband either. It's either you want something with substance and longevity, or you want something that's only good for a cheap thrill. She thought she was missing out on the cheap thrill and got her wake up call :yeshrug:


Nov 5, 2015
For the record I meant to say that Judith didn't deserve Brice, not the other way around :whoa:

I think I started to say that Brice deserved better but got confused and twisted the meaning.