He aight with me!
Everything he’s done since he left the E>>>>>> Legacy Lackey, Dashing gimmick, StarDust
He has more personality now than he’s ever had.
His matches or ring work has been better
(I can’t name one LegaCody, Dashing, or Stardust match that was good or memorable, and anyone that tries to name one is a GD liar)
And as a personable person he seems like a cool down to earth guy (which I hear he is in real life from quite a few people I know that’s really crossed paths with him)
Also I disagree with the “generic” shot people throw at him.... if anything cats that try too hard with there look comes of as generic to me.... like them generic PRE SET custom CAW on 2K WWE
Like say........ the pre set of a wrestler with a weird haircut, a bunch of tats and facial hair OH HELLO ALIESTER BLACK
If anything.... I congratulate him vs him being in the same place as Ted Jr or the fukking B Teams guys who are looked at as jokes.
I’m mean let’s be real..... who’s better off right now and more popular and probably making more money right now (since cats love to throw that out there)?