Why do the heathen rage? and these cowards imagine a vain thing?

Esau = Evil

May 3, 2012
Somewhere NOT snitching.
You breastfeeding mama's boy homosexuals can cry and complain to the mods and admins all you want.


You coward scum. Running in private to "tell on me" like lil bytches. What kind of man are you?

Oh, you can't take the TRUTH?

Well, I've read that in Proverbs 28:1

you fukking cowards.

When did I ever tell a lie here? But the truth got your soaking panties in a bunch, and now esau & goku wants to run around and tell their dancing negros to get rid of me.


But unlike the soulja boy negro you're used to dealing with, Im not he. I will continue to expose your wicked deeds and abominable actions. And I will also continue to curse the mods out. Because Im not bound to this site.

Im here putting up a fight for my people, because nobody else will. Teaching them the truth about who they are, and who YOU ARE. But you, and them, have a problem with that. Here I am telling these negros that they're the greatest people on earth, above all other nations on the face of this earth...and they don't want to hear it. So they flood my inbox with messages sent in a mayonnaise jar from massa. And "neg reps" in my user cP. :snoop:

You cowards need to be ashamed of yourselves, and so do you tap-dancing negros.