Why do people think voting is for the politician's sake and not their own?

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Preface in saying, I don't think expecting things out of politicians for your vote is wrong. In fact, this is correct 100 percent.

But the other part of the equation I see missing from this is how voting, for your own sake, is just as important. Especially, when a politician losing or winning is sometimes going to hurt or help you more than them. What I mean is, let's take Biden for example. Let's say he does lose, will he really "suffer" from that? He is rich. He is part of the elite. His possibilities of living a pretty good life regardless is pretty good. shyt hits the fan in the US? He can make a connect with his network spanning the globe to go live somewhere comfortably. Did you really "teach him" anything?

The person who deals with the consequences from the next guy's actions will most likely be you. Let's assume the worst outcome as mentioned in relation to the US presidential election. US slips into dictatorship and fascism. If Biden is smart, he be on the first plan out. Those who suffer will be the rest of us 99 percent.

Just something to consider contrary to the common way this situation is talked about. :yeshrug: