Homey the clown
Homey don't play that
Okay first of all nobody should be forced to watch or listen to anything that offends them. But people do have the option of changing the channel a TV show or movie offerinds them or not listening to a song if the lyrics in the song are offensive to the individual listener. I brought up this thread because I was reading an old Coli topic from 2014 where a poster was asking if Jay Z could get away with the song "Gjtls, Girls, Girls," in today's era. And I was thinking to myself ",why couldn't he"? I mean there is a thing called freedom of speech. It's like too many people today want to police every little thing. And the funny part is they're in the minority most of the time. Most people dont get offended by every little thing And I blame social media. People 10, 20 or even 30 years ago where just as sensitive as they are today.The difference is back then when people got offended they would write angry letters or send emails to companies, now they just nag the hell out of companies on Instagram or Twitter. I mean why should a show that other people like be taken off the air just you dont like it because it may have fat jokes or something like that. Or why should a song be taken off an album just because a few people think the song is too sexually vulgar and may be demeaning. Just change the channel or skip the song.