No 'cism
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Obama is a particularly good president (or that the Democrats don't suck), it's just that I don't quite understand the seething hatred that many white voters have for Obama, especially white men. Obama overall lost the white vote to Romney by 20 points overall, and he lost every age-group of white voters, even 18- to 29-, who he won in 2008. Overall, if I remember right, Obama got 39% of the white vote, compared to 71% of Hispanic voters and 93% of black voters.
I can't really completely attribute it completely to 'cism (or at least I don't want to), since a good number of the white voters Obama lost actually did vote for him in 2008. If it was just generally having a mediocre term, I could understand I suppose, but if that was was the case then why didn't Obama have similar losses among other demographics? You could argue that black voters identity with him, but he also won by huge margins among Hispanic and Asian voters.
Is it because Obama is perceived as a socialist/radical leftist? This obviously isn't true (he's conservative by Democratic standards) but maybe he's portrayed that way by right-wing media?
Did Obama do something in particular to offend white voters that I don't know about? Maybe Obamacare is perceived as raising taxes to pay for poor/lazy/black people's health insurance? One thing to keep in mind is that the Democratic party hasn't won a majority of white voters since the 60s, so this issue isn't entirely because Obama is the nominee. Are Democrats/liberals perceived as anti-white?
I'm just curious about this. It seems kind of unhealthy for the country, in general, for voters to be divided up among racial lines like that.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Obama is a particularly good president (or that the Democrats don't suck), it's just that I don't quite understand the seething hatred that many white voters have for Obama, especially white men. Obama overall lost the white vote to Romney by 20 points overall, and he lost every age-group of white voters, even 18- to 29-, who he won in 2008. Overall, if I remember right, Obama got 39% of the white vote, compared to 71% of Hispanic voters and 93% of black voters.
I can't really completely attribute it completely to 'cism (or at least I don't want to), since a good number of the white voters Obama lost actually did vote for him in 2008. If it was just generally having a mediocre term, I could understand I suppose, but if that was was the case then why didn't Obama have similar losses among other demographics? You could argue that black voters identity with him, but he also won by huge margins among Hispanic and Asian voters.
Is it because Obama is perceived as a socialist/radical leftist? This obviously isn't true (he's conservative by Democratic standards) but maybe he's portrayed that way by right-wing media?
Did Obama do something in particular to offend white voters that I don't know about? Maybe Obamacare is perceived as raising taxes to pay for poor/lazy/black people's health insurance? One thing to keep in mind is that the Democratic party hasn't won a majority of white voters since the 60s, so this issue isn't entirely because Obama is the nominee. Are Democrats/liberals perceived as anti-white?
I'm just curious about this. It seems kind of unhealthy for the country, in general, for voters to be divided up among racial lines like that.