Why and how modern music sounds the same


Jan 1, 2018
In between this:

And this:

People are literally listening to variations on a theme, again and again. A lot of us have intuited this as we sit in the Gardens but the above videos render it explicit. The implications for the collective are quite interesting if you stop and think about it.

Life is maths so when the algo can figure out the exact points to stimulate in which order for the largest response then this is what happens but what does that tell you about the alleged human on the other side as well as the grander design we're evidently caught up within?

Also we were raised on hip hop when it was still running wild and free in the streets and individuality was king and therefore didn't get to see quite this level of corporate control and dominance that is present when it comes to packaging and presenting for mass consumption (now that rap is pop) but either way its very interesting because the implications along the line a whole load of followers and one piper with many faces...