Whose Streets ? Trailer


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
Just saw this. Minor spoilers. I'll give it a B grade. Positive. It captures the emotions of what these people, these activists were going through. Pure frustration, anger and fighting back through protest. Basically it goes briefly into Mike Brown shooting and then the aftermath. From the protests, to years later. There about 3 people who get highlighted. A local rapper, a dude from Ferguson and BLM activists. Negatives. They got like 15 stories going on and they don't much time on any of them. Movie should have focused in on certain things to give you background. For example, if you follow the BLM protest you know about the freeway protests where they got in the middle of the highway. Although I know what happen, it's possible alot people don't . And that happens a lot in this film. A lot "Snapchat" story telling without giving much depth. Lastly, I knew Black lesbianism would be highlighted alot, since BLM was birth in Ferguson, and that agenda is real.
One of the main characters Brittney is came off like she's a single mother. But you later found out that's she married to stud woman. And Brittney body wise was ridiculous. Obviously her baby daddy really messed up. smh.
But overall as a movie you get raw emotion and a story that's told from the people's perspective. You see the police cruel tactics and how they heighten up situations. But at the same time, they should have a done a better job scaling down the varioius stories and give more depth. Because at the end, some of it came off like Snapchat story telling.