ESPN has been pretty bizarre lately in its LeBron worship. They've been pushing dude as the next MJ for a while but lately they've taken it to another level by creating irrelevant stories just to mention him on nights the Heat don't play. Like a few days ago they had some dude analyze whether LeBron was worth $75 mil/yr. 
I know MJ was a big cash cow for them in the 90s, so I understand from a business standpoint why they wanna push LeBron since he's gonna be going for the next 7 years, but when are they gonna understand that ITS NOT WORKING.
LeBron wasn't the leading vote-getter at the all-star game (that was Kobe). He doesn't have the top selling jersey in the NBA (once again that is Kobe). He doesn't have the top selling sneaker (that is still MJ even after he's been retired for 10 years).
Even at this advanced age it seems like Kobe is still more popular both inside the US and globally (its not even close in places like Europe and China). Kobe never approached MJ popularity within the US, but globally he's close. LeBron, on the other hand, has not even reached Kobe's popularity within the US, even though ESPN has been pushing him for the last 10 years.

I know MJ was a big cash cow for them in the 90s, so I understand from a business standpoint why they wanna push LeBron since he's gonna be going for the next 7 years, but when are they gonna understand that ITS NOT WORKING.
LeBron wasn't the leading vote-getter at the all-star game (that was Kobe). He doesn't have the top selling jersey in the NBA (once again that is Kobe). He doesn't have the top selling sneaker (that is still MJ even after he's been retired for 10 years).
Even at this advanced age it seems like Kobe is still more popular both inside the US and globally (its not even close in places like Europe and China). Kobe never approached MJ popularity within the US, but globally he's close. LeBron, on the other hand, has not even reached Kobe's popularity within the US, even though ESPN has been pushing him for the last 10 years.