Who’s burning black churches? Arsonists hit at least 3 Southern congregations in the last 7 days


Apr 14, 2015

Four black churches burned overnight this week, and at least three have been attributed to arson.

Last week’s shooting at Charleston’s Emanuel AME was perhaps the deadliest attackon a black church since the 1963 church bombing by the Klan in Birmingham, Alabama that killed four children. Since then, another specter from America’s violent racist history is again rearing its head – setting black churches ablaze.

At least three have been intentionally set on fire in recent days, according to a surveyof news reports compiled by the Daily Kos.

On Tuesday, God’s Power Church of Christ in Georgia was intentionally set on fire, authorities told ABC News. Electronics and other equipment were also stolen in early morning fire. Authorities told reporters there is “no evidence” of a hate crime.

On Wednesday, Briar Creek Baptist Church in North Carolina burned in the middle of the night, causing $250,000 in damage, NBC News reports. Authorities are investigating whether the blaze was a hate crime. It took 75 firefighters to bring it under control.

On Friday, Glover Grove Missionary Baptist Church in South Carolina, was virtually destroyed in an overnight blaze, the Aiken Standard reports. While the cause of the fire is still under investigation, the FBI has been called in.

Another blaze on Friday morning in Florida at predominantly-black Greater Miracle Apostolic Holiness Church caused $700,000 in damage. The fire is under investigation but fire officials believe it to be accidental, the Tallahassee Democrat reports.

Burning black churches has historical significance that harkens back to the civil rights era, according to the Atlanta Black Star.

“From slavery and the days of Jim Crow through the civil rights movement and beyond, white supremacists have targeted the Black church because of its importance as a pillar of the Black community, the center for leadership and institution building, education, social and political development and organizing to fight oppression,” David Love writes.

The Ku Klux Klan has ramped up recruiting activity in the days since the Charleston shooting. Residents in California, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia woke last weekend to find bags in their lawns filled with candy and Klan flyers seeking new members.

White supremacist Dylann Roof, who has been charged with the attack that killed nine at Charleston’s historical Emanuel AME on June 17, left behind a racist manifesto that said, “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

The fires also come as activists and politicians begin the process of removing the Confederate flag from public property, sparking protests.

“We’re still talking about this issue and it’s 2015,” Briar Creek pastor Mannix Kinseytold CNN. “And so we all have to consider, what else do we need to do to actually be able to work together?”


Beat Christianity into our ancestors, now want to burn down black churches? Make up your mind.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Werd, what is wrong with our people. :snoop:

Our people need to get armed, even at church when in those racist areas like SC and Georgia. Armed watches as well.

Gotta adapt to survive cuz it looks like white racists are going on the offensive.


May 1, 2012
Who?, is that rhetorical:patrice:

...since the inception of AmeriKKKA burning down Our chUrcheS, had been one inhumane group pedigree:devil: But, WE'll continue to just pray about it:beli:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
and another one...


A prominent African-American church that was burned to the ground by the KKK in 1995 is currently on fire, according to the State Law Enforcement Division.

Fire crews are still battling an active blaze at Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, located at 564 MacKey Road, said Mark Keel, chief of SLED.

He said agents are on the way and that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and other federal agencies have been notified.

A fire investigation likely can’t begin until the blaze is extinguished. Keel noted that a storm had recently rolled through the area and that the fire could have been ignited by lightning, but he did not know for sure.

He acknowledged, however, that a number of other recent church burnings in the wake of the June 17 killing of nine worshipers at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church was concering.

“Certainly, I think we all are concerned about those things,” he said.

Clarendon County is assisting Williamsburg County with the fire, according to the dispatch there. Williamsburg County dispatch would not provide any information about the blaze.

Check back for more details.

Doug Pardue contributed to this report. Reach Melissa Boughton at 937-5594 or at Twitter.com/mboughton.