Theodore Rex, also known as T. Rex, is a 1995 buddy cop/science fiction/family film starring Whoopi Goldberg. Though originally intended for theatrical release, the film went direct-to-video, and consequently became the most expensive direct-to-video film ever made at the time of its release.
The film was not well received, and saw Whoopi Goldberg being nominated for Worst Actress at the 1996 Golden Raspberry Awards (as well as for Bogus and Eddie). Despite this, it was listed on the Billboard "Top Video Rentals" list for three weeks in August 1996, peaking at #34.It is the first, and so far only, direct-to-video movie to receive any sort of Razzie nomination.
This is golden as well. Whoopi new this shyt was embarrasing, so she made sure she got paid.
Though Whoopi Goldberg had made a verbal agreement to star in the film in October 1992, she attempted to back out. Abramson filed a US$20 million lawsuit against Goldberg, which they settled very quickly. Goldberg agreed to star in the film for $7 million,$2 million more than the originally agreed-upon amount.