Now that Spiderman Homecoming is officially out, people should have seen it by now to know who Vulture is and what he could do. But just in case you need a touch up
Professional thief
Pilots robotic wings
Fairly maneuverable
Uses Claws on his as a weapon and to grab. His wings also be used as a blunt weapon.
He's allowed the chitari gun he used against Spiderman on the cruise ship.
Military training.
Former Paratrooper.
Pilots robotic wings that also doubles as a shield
Uses machine guns, missiles and his Redwing drone

Professional thief
Pilots robotic wings
Fairly maneuverable
Uses Claws on his as a weapon and to grab. His wings also be used as a blunt weapon.
He's allowed the chitari gun he used against Spiderman on the cruise ship.

Military training.
Former Paratrooper.
Pilots robotic wings that also doubles as a shield
Uses machine guns, missiles and his Redwing drone