I went back and forth with my old man over this during Christmas trying to smoke a brisket. Everything I told him he went into
full on old black man defense mode aka you can’t tell me shyt, son.
- well what if I just hang this brisket from the smoker with a hook. DAD NO
- how bout I use this random firewood. DAD NO
- I’m gonna use this lighter fluid to get the charcoals hot. DAD NO
Dad look we gotta go low and slow I’ve gotten it up to 160. I’m gonna take a nap if you’re gonna stay out here with the pit. OK son I got this.
2 hours later I wake up to hear him and my mom talking about how good the brisket. I’m just internally
and go back to sleep. 9 am I taste that brisket; rough, lighter fluid, and dry as hell. I wasted a 140$ on that brisket, trimming it, and seasoning it.