White Privilege, as seen by Lee...


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015

Dear America, no justice no peace---
---In this day and age, race is still a problem, let it sink
More hidden, if you listen and question what you see
Start asking, its way more systematic than you’d believe

It’s still white privilege, whether not you wanna see

They affect how we’re seen, like if we rocking baggy jeans---
---They’ll probably cross the street or then a neighbor call police---
---It’s deep rooted, even our music been attacking how we think---
---So we oppress our self, working for some bigot behind the scenes---

Limit how we dream…civil war we’re on the brink
Not overt any more, it’s more covert and that’s the theme
It’s no longer holding torches riding horses under sheets---
---They pass it off as jokes on social media using memes

It’s no longer burning crosses, white hood they won’t confess it
It’s like being black is inferior is the message
They like I have black friends, get over it, where’s the evidence---
---It’s negligent….We can’t be racist with a black president

It’s still white privilege, whether not you take advantage

Racism is a system of forces now it’s a habit
To keep us second class status don’t you understand it---
---Economics, polices, laws, entertainment---
---Education, science, values and it’s blatant

Attitudes, stereotypes all work together---
---Politics, religion, war, it’s like whatever
It’s like the Jim Crow letters gonna affect us forever---
---We’ll go against our own people instead of our oppressors

It makes it hard for some people to see the truth---
---Like what happened from 1934 to 62?

It’s still white privilege, whether not you even know

The government backed 120 billion for home loans---
--- But not to black folks or white folks that lived close
This created the hood and maintained segregation
…Thus born the ghetto and they did it thru legislation

Discouraged you to put any money in those locations---
---With heavy population of blacks, new plantations
Whites only drinking fountains, sounds so irrational
Nowadays we don’t see that dumb stuff for our animals

All the while they mocked us with their black face characters---
---No one wanted to invest in the future of black America
Made it impossible for blacks to inherit property ---
---And wealth properly like white Americans, so obviously

It’s still white privilege, no matter what you wanna call it b

We turned to robbery, fathers aren’t fatherly
Kids can’t see past the street signs around this poverty---
---Dig deep, they affect education with these rules---
---Property taxes low, but that’s used to fund schools

For those living in nice homes the government backed
..With loans it means better education cause of tax

Can build better facilities, and keep the newer books
Pay for better teachers, better readers are barely crooks
Better education and opportunities it’s funny---
---More resources and connections would means more money

It’s still white privilege, no matter what you wanna say

Blacks were forced into manual labor, even today…
Submit a resume with the name like Shaniqua Rey
Take the same resume; replace the name with Mary Kate ---
---Watch how they treated different listen, things’ll never change

Mass Incarceration….We filling up the prisons
Ever since the system became privatized for business---
---then we picked the cotton, now we the cotton that they picking----
---A cash crop, more money for the cells that they filling

Blacks are incarcerated 6x more likely
Than if you’re white see, it’s more privilege…precisely
Cause we’re not 6x more dangerous that’s lame
It’s the laws and sentencing in the court system that changed

It’s still white privilege, no matter what you wanna say

Laws were written to target blacks here’s the game---
---Possession of crack, was more harsher that cocaine
Explain how there’s a difference between the drugs put in pipes---
---And drugs more pure, but found mostly among whites

Racial profiling, stop and frisk, so typical
Caught for Police brutality and the consequences are minimal
Blacklivesmatters tried to shed light while they ignored it
Shot with your hands up, cops get funded and supported

While our movement get criticized by whites and Uncle Toms---
---c00ns and politicians that rather go look for bombs

It’s still white privilege, even if you call it crap

For success we work harder while dodging traps---
---With our history, can’t be shocked if we gotta snap

To combat racism, break free of all the bondages

But first we want more white folks to just acknowledge it….
They block it out their consciousness some not cognizant
…Been privileged they whole life while on this continent

400 years of slavery, not met with much defiance
150 in your face leave women and children crying
Taught in school we’re lesser, tried to prove with some science
And it’s still going on, 50 more where they deny it

A legacy in development all that time is hard to die
It won’t just go away won’t disappear overnight….
It’s still white privilege, and it’s all by design

So you can’t really blame us for getting ticked enough to fight
So it’s hard “getting over it” when I’ve seen it all my life
The "media", be perpetuating racism and crime
It's effective in suppressing the young minds

So they don't know how to build any wealth unless they rhymes
Or how to get a job and educate themselves and climb
…They give cops a reason to brutalize us too
....All because of fear and what they believe to be true

From the images the media have created in the news,
The movies, music, and social media too

It’s still white privilege, whether not you take advantage...