white dude issue


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Okay, I go on other forums. :yeshrug:

So, this one dude is all broken up about his pet rat that is dying. Here's a snippet of his post.

...I can't stop crying at the thought of losing him, and my wife is gutted too. He's only 18 months old which is not considered to be old for a rat really, but it's not long enough. I've spent literally all my money on vet bills trying to make him well (I can't even go food shopping again this month), but they think he has a brain tumour (untreatable in rats)...

Dude is a white male. Think about it, vet bills for a rat so you can't even feed yourself and wife. :wtf: He's getting it put down at the vet, that's more money.

It's a pet, but my wisdom says, just kill it and get another one. I guess I'm a little insensitive.


master of reality
May 2, 2012
Dont know any other whites who would care that much about a rat :laugh:

Trust me this is just a sick individual, not a race thing. Dogs are different. Ive seen people spend their life savings on prolonging their dogs life for like 2 months :comeon:
May 10, 2012
I can't cope, feel like I'm falling apart. - TalkBass Forums

I know how silly this will probably sound to most of you guys but I'm absolutely devastated. One of my beloved pet rats, Freddie, is almost at the end of his (way too short) life.

I've had him since he was 10 weeks old. We bonded instantly, we have play time and cuddles every night, he and his brother/cagemate Lemmy make me so happy. I love him more than I ever thought it possible to love an animal. I can't have children, so I love my rats as if they were my kids.

He's been on the decline for the last month or so. Several visits to the vet, antibiotics, steroids, vitamins, all sorts, and he seemed to be getting a little better but this last week he hasn't been able to hold his food to eat. I've been hand feeding him all sorts of yummy puree food which he's really enjoyed and he bruxes still (grinds his teeth to show contentment).

He had another visit to the vet this morning, and I thought it might be a one way trip for him, but the vet said he still seems happy and like he wants to live so we agreed to carry on trying to treat him.

But this evening, I picked him up to give him his dinner, and he lay limp in my hands. He tried to eat, but just dribbles it back out again. It's terrible to watch. Maybe he's just exhausted from the vet visit, and I'll see how he is in the morning, but if there's no improvement I think my last act of kindness to him will be to send him to the big rat cage in the sky.

I can't stop crying at the thought of losing him, and my wife is gutted too. He's only 18 months old which is not considered to be old for a rat really, but it's not long enough. I've spent literally all my money on vet bills trying to make him well (I can't even go food shopping again this month), but they think he has a brain tumour (untreatable in rats). And I feel so sad for little Lemmy who will also miss him so much. They've been together from birth, and they adore each other. He barely leaves Freddie's side.

I'm not coping with this at all well - I'm not the strongest of people and also suffer from major depressive episodes as well which doesn't help. Anyway, I just wanted to sound off and express myself on here, hope no-one minds me waffling. Please, no horrible and uninformed comments about "dirty rats" or anything like that, they're clean, intelligent and affectionate pets..

If anyone has any advice on how I can get through this, please feel free to share, because I genuinely feel like I'm having my insides torn out slowly and painfully.

Finally, a picture - Freddie is the white/grey one, Lemmy is the brown one. They were just babies in this pic.



Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Hmm, Google works so easily. :dwillhuh:

Oops. Well, I play bass guitar among other things.


Jun 24, 2012
Okay, I go on other forums. :yeshrug:

So, this one dude is all broken up about his pet rat that is dying. Here's a snippet of his post.

...I can't stop crying at the thought of losing him, and my wife is gutted too. He's only 18 months old which is not considered to be old for a rat really, but it's not long enough. I've spent literally all my money on vet bills trying to make him well (I can't even go food shopping again this month), but they think he has a brain tumour (untreatable in rats)...

Dude is a white male. Think about it, vet bills for a rat so you can't even feed yourself and wife. :wtf: He's getting it put down at the vet, that's more money.

It's a pet, but my wisdom says, just kill it and get another one. I guess I'm a little insensitive.

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