I`d like to see what TSC thinks. What is going to be OUR main event
Fandangawd vs Jericho
but probably punk vs taker
Taker vs Punk, surprised by how well they built this match. Originally having the 4 way match to decide who faced Taker felt cheap to me like WWE was saying here's Taker for WM now shut up and cheer. But they really did a good job of building it. To me HHH vs Brock is even bigger than Twice in a Lifetime, at least with that match we know we'll get a decent brawl with intensity of B PPV Main Event. Twice in a Lifetime, been there done that, if I wanted to watch someone get flabby and sick within minutes I would tease a fat person with cupcakes.
Won't be ordering Mania this year but Based Punk vs Taped Fist Taker should close out the show. I know the Twice In A Lifetime match will close out Mania though.
If so, I hope it gets shytted on.
This is going to be a HHH/Orton @ 25 situation.
Only thing people care about in that Rock match is Cena. How big will his heat be? How's he going to wrestle, face or heel? Will he win? Will he turn? It's all Cena.
Yep, this is one of those years where I'll preorder the blu-ray off Amazon. The only match I really want to see is Based Punk/Taped Fist Taker and I don't see myself paying $70 for the high def just for one match. If Cena doesn't turn heel, it ain't gonna go good at MetLife for him. The crowd might shyt on Rock on some just because type stuff.
I don't know, Punk and Taker closing the go home Raw before Wrestlemania gives me hope that they may actually close out Wrestlemania. Like Wrestlemania 26 you're going to here rumors up til the day of that they haven't decided which match will close out the show.