i mean ive heard muslims claim that this isnt in the kuran. so where did it come from?
Google is your friend. You could have researched this on your own and come up with a more thought provoking thread. Instead, more trolling from your demonic mind. Stop being a demon and be someone people can look up to and say *id like to be like cac mamba when i get older* You know, friend?
If we could kill this myth, and change the violence promoted in the Quran...maybe we could get somewhere with this insanity going on in the Middle East..aka not gonna happen
If we could kill this myth, and change the violence in the Quran that these radicals latch onto...maybe we could get somewhere with this insanity going on in the Middle East..aka not gonna happen
I have faith that with the spread of ideas, and the access of information and different cultures being so high now with the internet...that newer generations will eventually evolve out of these old ideas and ways, and real change will happen. But who knows how long that will take