Flair is tied with his protege all time as the goat.
The only person you could say is really better is only scsa.
As they are the only two dudes in the history of wrasslin.
Who could show up anywhere in any capacity.
Then if given a real chance to make it good.
Become the best thing overnight after one promo, with no problem.
Flair, argueably has the best exchanges promo wise with an actual five star tv and ppv match.
Not once but twice, when allowed to work and be himself.
Without the ego of someone who is scared of being upstaged like cripple ache.
Lemme speak on this utterly disrespectful bullshyt, too.
The nerve of cripple ache to put naitch out there with miz..
Then allow that gooflane awful Dave otunga in white face talent the Miz to use the figure four.
Is the biggest scared assinine backstabbing bullshyt moves, I ever since in history.
seriously, is this dude cripple ache that insecure.
He continually does backhanded bullshyt like this from behind the corporate structure.
Flair is not fukking slaughter,...
He should never be out there doing that slaughter legends demeaning carni comedy bullshyt that slaughter agrees to.
Flair should not ever be out there with or cosigning the miz, either.
I saw that sgit and I was like,..
Here is more of that rt to neutralize naitch like that evolution bullshyt.
Except this time you try to chop block the naitcha boi's wwe legacy, with this no talent.
Like how dare you try to sullen,...
Arguably, the greatest villian to ever appear weekly on a tv series in history.
Anyway,...flair is the goat 1A, and scsa goat 1B, period.
Nobody in the history of this shyt is seeing either one of them, period.
Art Barr