When you were in middle or high school did ya ever do any events with other schools

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Outside of organizations like FCLA, DECA, and stuff like that.

We did. It was a school exchange program. We would sent reps from our school to theirs and they would do the same to see how we livin'. Our school mixed with Selma which is a majority black school and my school was mainly white although our Basketball team was Black and we were #1 in the state :stylin: my Soph year when I was on JV.

Anywoo, Selma came to my school. That had 6 girls and 4 guys. All Black. We had the same but 3 black guys and one Indian. 1 black girl and the rest were white because they couldn't find any good rep that was black and a female but just one girl since the Black girls at my school were ratchet. They stayed at our houses. We had one player who was the f**kin man. Sexed over 50% of the attractive female population in the United States of America. Had a Hummer, every pair of J's known to man, killa swag, and never wore nothin twice. Word was his dad pushes dope but I never seen it. His dad did have diamonds in his cell phone tho. We had one guy who is a preacher boy with a great personality. Everyone loves him. Just a good overall guy and trustworthy. Me, the realist nikka in the room. Patel the Indian got into a top tier school with nice looks no homo and I didn't know had some game. Caught me out guard, assumed Indians ain't into b*tches, just books.

Our females, I only remember the one I had a thing for and a relationship with. She was beautiful. I used to say all type of stupid s**t to her madly in love and she would do the same. We were green as f**k but we attracted to each other and our parents wanted us to get married. The rest were white girls I didn't f**k with. They weren't nothing attractive so I could care less.

They brought some smart pretty boy nikkas and one fat smart nikka. They were all cool tho. None of them seemed like they got a lot of b*tches but they were all cool. I think one played sports but they was focus on academics. Their females were all Black. The one I focused on was a dime piece. Nothing short of breathtaking. :ohlawd: She had a man but i was like:


I got the digits and we had a lot of talks but she's in Salem, AL and I am in my town. I was pulling dimes in Gwinnett and DeKalb so she just fell out of the mix. The other girls were a bunch of 7's. They were cute girls. They were all virgins. They said it was because they didn't have time to have a boyfriend and do nothing else and after listening to their schedule, I would agree. The player was shocked because girls from where we from weren't virgins except the one I was talking about earlier. All the Salem girls except the one I was f**kin with were having full blown convos with the player and preacher boy the whole trip. Back to the story, so we go to Atlanta for a trip to the MLK Center and Coca-Cola World. We go to coke, it's nothing special. We just getting to know each other much better. We hung out some but not much at that time. We were chillin. So we leave Coke and go to MLK. This is where it gets good.

The first thing we do is see the pics. You know that one pic where the white girl is smiling when a nikka is getting hung is :merchant: and :demonic: at the same damn time. So after we see this. We head outside to his grave. If anyone of you guys ever been to the MLK center, you will see his surrounded by water. Well, these nikkas had a great idea. They decide they want to take pictures standing on top of MLK Jr grave. :dwillhuh: I look at them like, this is not a good idea. They look at me like have some life nikka and proceeded to do the unthinkable. Everyone but me and the big guy from Salem jumped on the grave. Taking pics, smiling, and having a blast. So they jump off and are back where I am at. As they leave, three federal officers come out running 4.4's and with guns drawn saying "freeze, you are under arrest. What you have just committed was a federal crime with the possibility on 5 years imprisonment." I was like:

"These nikkas about to go to jail, wtf!" They then proceeded to explain why they did it and the officers let them go on a warning after a stern talking. Them nikkas was shook.

Then we left and meet up with the rest of the group and head to the Hard Rock Cafe Atlanta. We talk and me and the dime was getting close and personal. We had a connection, she found me attractive as I found her attractive too. The other girls are moving in on the player. They were falling head over heels for this nikka who is like a rival to me. We competed for the same dimes and I kicked his a** in front of his daddy in 7th grade. He was a beast on the hardwood, I wanted to be a beast on the hardwood. I got a partial hoops offer and he didn't. They were asking him all types of questions like has he had sex which everyone of us from my school just laughed since we all know his whereabouts. They asked him a lot of things. Preacher boy was left trending water like most men outside of me who compete for women with him.

We get back to the school and they are all going back to Alabama that night. The girl I am kicking it with gives me her number. The other girls when leaving hugged everyone and all ran to the player to give them their numbers. All of them. I doubt he called but it was like "damn, do we exist." :dwillhuh:

To fast forward to today, I received a text last night from the girl from our school trying to organization and reunion. I like out of the area so I can't make it but I had a chance to see the facebook of all the girls who was on the trip. I was thinking I will see some above average looking black women with a couple :flabbynsick: since this was like ten years ago. Wrong! Wrong!

Outside of two, all of them:

All of them bad. Dime pieces. WTF happen in 10 years. I don't even recognize these broads. They were are 7's and virgins. I wonder if they still are. :ohlawd: Everyone else seems to be doing well. One of guys from Salem became an engineer, went to Bama and pledged Alpha then to KSU for his masters and is eating. One joined the core and is doing his thing. The other, I don't know. Preacher boy is now... a preacher. The women seem to be professionals as well. Everyone seems to be doing well. We are all fully grown adults now. So do you have any experiences to share or care to comment on this?