When trailers pull a bait and switch

Sep 12, 2013
i don't think ppl realize how important that is. you need to be in the right frame of mind going into a movie. if the trailers sell you on one thing but it ends up being something else, it fukks you up a bit... you know?

if someone buys a ticket to a movie expecting a screwball comedy but it ends up being something else... like a heavy drama, naturally there's a chance it could be met with some disappointment.

i think one of the main reasons i didn't enjoy avengers 2 was because i felt hustled. i thought those trailers TOTALLY misrepresented the tone of that movie. but if they had been a bit more honest i might have been in the right frame of mind to enjoy it. if they sold it like a more light hearted affair, i would have gone in EXPECTING a more light hearted affair. i wouldn't have MINDED the constant jokes. i wouldn't have EXPECTED any tension.

perhaps when i watch that movie again, now that i know what to expect, i may actually enjoy it the 2nd time around. but man... these studios gotta chill with that shyt. it ain't right.