By this point it's became evident that television is the future of the visual entertainment medium but what was the exact point that you figured that out?
It was probably after watching True Detective when it became clear that television wasn't just a thing for "low tier" () actors anymore and that it wasn't shameful for a Hollywood star to transfer to cable/premium cable and it not be considered a downgrade.
And now we have companies like Netflix putting in work and putting out Grade A entertainment piff and shows like Breaking Bad that showed the full extent of the medium and how engrossed the average viewer can be.
We can only go up from here
It was probably after watching True Detective when it became clear that television wasn't just a thing for "low tier" () actors anymore and that it wasn't shameful for a Hollywood star to transfer to cable/premium cable and it not be considered a downgrade.
And now we have companies like Netflix putting in work and putting out Grade A entertainment piff and shows like Breaking Bad that showed the full extent of the medium and how engrossed the average viewer can be.
We can only go up from here