Queen of Swords
What's Up African? Community has the Solutions: Turning abandoned school buildings into Black Liberation Centers...
What's Up African? Community is a Non-Profit Organization based out of West Philadelphia, PA founded in July 2015 by King Leon X and Redz the Righteous Ruler.
Their Mission is to positively influence collective psyche of the Black community by creating an achievement Driven Culture which will lead our people a Global Renaissance. They believe that it is the Responsibility of EACH individual to discover their own divinity and define their life's purpose in order to unleash their limitless personal power and bring the most Value to the World at large.
Black people have been withheld the certain information which will allow us to Solve OUR OWN PROBLEMS internally. Knowing this, What's Up African? Community provides specialized knowledge, relevant tools and resources that will benefit all ALL AGE GROUPS AND INCOMES.
For more information go to:
Always concerned with providing more in use value, than accepting in dollar value, to raise money What's Up African? Community along with Born Royalty: Success & Achivement Club are sponsoring a social media challenge that is about to go Viral. It is called the #LeadersAreReadersCHALLENGE.
The #LeadersAreReaders Challenge encourages all people of all ages to donate $1 to the GoFundMe account, then record themselves reading 1-3 pages of a book and challenge at least 5 of their friends to do the same.
The endless likes, comments, shares and inbox messages of positive feedback are Proof that even on social media, What's Up African? Community has the spirit and insight to empower a nation.
It's a little bit long winded but basically What's Up African is a non-profit focused on opening up learning centers, and encouraging young children to read. It's focused toward Black culture and history and getting black youth prepared to live and survive in the world today. If you guys would like to support, all the organization is asking for is $1. That's 4 quarters. Just 10 dimes. 100 pennies lol.
The brothers in charge of this program are not just talkers but they are out here doing the work of the people. Please support.