What’s the most horrific crime you ever heard of?


May 13, 2015
The brutal murder of Donna Marie Dixon has got to be one of the most disturbing cases I’ve ever read.

Timothy McCorquodale and victim Donna Marie Dixon, 1974 - HistoricalCrimeDetective.com

As the girl sat there sobbing, issuing quiet denials, McCorquodale changed tactics and pretended to soothe her feelings. As his left hand gently stroked the back of her head, Bonnie said she saw her boyfriend’s face change and she knew what was going to happen next; McCorquodale drew back his fist and smashed Donna in the face. After that, McCorquodale and Leroy began to slap, punch and hit the girl as they got her down to the floor.

Because of all the noise, the young couple’s roommate, Linda, woke from the back bedroom where she was sleeping with Bonnie’s three year-old daughter. Together, Bonnie and Linda watched and did nothing as McCorquodale and “Leroy” tortured the poor girl over the next couple of hours. First, they tied her wrists with Bonnie’s nylons, and then they started slapping and punching her, while denigrating her for associating with a black man and not “staying with her own kind.”

To keep her screams from reaching the neighbors, they put a washcloth in her mouth and secured it with electrical tape. McCorquodale then pulled off his leather belt that included a large, Western style buckle, and began whipping the girl with it.

Then, they ripped off her clothes.

Now that the young victim was nude, gagged, and bound, the torture began to escalate with cigarette burns, and hot wax from a red candle that was dropped on her stomach and private parts. The two men then took turns raping her orally, vaginally and anally. Afterward, the girl’s genitals were mutilated with chemicals and scissors.
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King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
This white man takes the cake so far...

Colin Howell
(born 14 March 1959) is a Northern Irish convicted double murderer. The murders and surrounding story were the subject of an ITV drama series The Secret broadcast in April and May 2016.

Howell killed his wife Lesley (née Clarke) and the husband of his lover, Trevor Buchanan (who was an RUC officer), in what appeared to be a suicide pact between the spouses of two lovers. The bodies were found in a fume-filled car in Castlerock on 19 May 1991.[1] In 1998 Howell confessed the murders to his second wife, but she agreed not to inform the authorities. She was investigated following his arrest, but was not charged.[2]

Howell's ex-brother-in-law has since accused him of murdering Harry Clarke. Howell's father-in-law died only 11 days before Lesley.[3][4]

After murdering his wife, Howell received a payout of £400,000.[5] He later lost £350,000 in a get-rich-quick scheme which had claimed to find Yamashyta's gold in the Philippines.[6] Howell had been led to believe he would make £20 million; however he only acquired a few brass ammunition boxes, containing silver coins, worth about £30.[7] Howell initially invested £100,000 but over six months, steadily invested more, after being told that the gold was buried under booby-trapped tunnels. He sold his shares in two dental practises and attempted to persuade friends to invest.[8]

He believed that this, and the death of his son, were punishments from God.[9]

Howell, a native of Portadown and a dentist by occupation, was a deeply religious father of ten and a former lay preacher.[10] He married Lesley in July 1983. They were members of the local Baptist church. After his wife's death Howell married Kyle Jorgensen, a native of New York, with whom he had five children.

Howell confessed his role in the murders to elders in his church who urged him to inform police.[11] He pleaded guilty to the murders on 18 November 2010 and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was told he must serve a minimum 21-year jail term.[12]

His former lover Hazel (née Elkin, formerly married to Trevor Buchanan, currently married to David Stewart) claimed in court that she acted under duress, but was found guilty of the murders of Lesley Howell and Trevor Buchanan in March 2011 and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 18 years.[13][14] The trial judge stated that Hazel Stewart could have prevented Buchanan's death.[15]

Police investigators were later criticized for having overlooked some facts, most notably that the driver's window was open and that Buchanan's leg was hanging out of the open car door; in addition, a witness had told police that Howell had previously tried to murder his wife.[16]

On 17 May 2011 Howell pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting nine female patients in his surgery over a period of several years.[17] He was consequently stripped of his NHS pension.[18]

Brolic Scholar

Licensed Text Technician
Nov 28, 2015
Unknown Side Effects
The guy that sold his victims as BBQ at his roadside BBQ stand.


Joseph Roy Metheny - Wikipedia


Nov 22, 2015
Most stories about how slaves were treated sicken me...

An extract from an 1888 book called "BLACKBIRDING" IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC" : "Under this title, Messrs. Swan Sonnen'fechein and Co. have published a thrilling story of slave-hunting (" blackbirding" is a euphonious name for slave-stealing) and other exploits amongst the barbaric peoples of the South Pacific Islands...The men, women, and children, dressed in their best, all over beautiful flowers, sang their liveliest songs as they paddled along with us...
The poor devil- crowded on board at once to get the good things the white man had brought them ; and the skipper, he was so kind. They got so friendly that presently a lot of them were persuaded to go down below, and get some better stuff, and then the skipper sent me to my bout, with orders to rush out as soon as he fired his pistol... On deck the hatches were clapped on, and at the same time crash, crash when the stones and shot, smashing up the canoes like paper. All around the ship the islanders were jumping off like mad ; but we were there to drag them into the boat, and tie them up as fast as we could ; and if they tried to escape, a crack on the head soon quieted them...There I found, tied up everywhere, men, women, and children, with their fine clothes born off, and their pretty flowers smashed till over the deck in the fight. Down below were lots more, crying and wailing in the dark. As soon sis possible we lifted anchor and put to sea... We then set to work taking off their lashings ; and time it was, too, for the lines had cut into their very flesh, and we put on comfortable irons instead...and as we came near them they put up their hands, like asking us not to kill them. I No fear of our doing that while they were worth from forty to fifty dollars apiece alive to sell to the Peruvian miners ; but I think that if they had known the sort of life they were going to lead they would rather be dead...Whilst, coming up the ladder we heard an awful rumpus going on amongst, the women on deck, and then splash ! splash ! in the water. That was the skipper throwing the small pickaninnies overboard, which he said were good for nothing, and not worth a cent; so the sharks gobbled them up, one by one, as they came over, just like swallowing oysters. Golly! how the women howled and cried ! They went quite mad. and tore at their irons till the blood ran all over their arms and breasts ; but it was no use, their chains wouldn't let then jump over and save their children... "


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Lizzie Borden. Chopped her parents up in like 1911 and then lived her best life til she was 70-80. First time white tears got a person exonerated :wow: there was no turning back after that