Is menace basically boyz n the hood, told from the side of the nighas who killed Ricky ?
Boyz N the Hood was telling you a heavy-handed message.
Then there's the characters
The characters in Boyz N the Hood seemed more stick figure like in comparison to Menace's.
Menace is the better movie. Juice is too!
About what life?Not really, cause Caine won't really bout that life. O-Dog yeah but not Caine. But O-Dog and A-Wax, yeah.
That's debatable cuz I prefer Boy N the hood and it touched on more social issues. Better script as well.
John Singleton >>>> Hughes brothers
About what life?
Killing, car jacking, and selling dope?
Caine did that..
O-Dog was just an off the hook 15 year old bg...thats all.
How did you feel about dougboy n Ricky's mom. Would you say she's one of the best characters in the movie?they are two different movies completely. just happen to be about kids in the same neighborhood in the same place in time. that's all. boyz n the hood is more about the journey of 3-4 childhood friends and what happens when you don't have a parent (not gonna be as generic to say a "strong male role model") as strong and level headed as Fishburn was in Boyz. Boyz was a lot more heavy handed but with that it was more eye opening or even somewhat relatable to people from outside that culture watching ...i.e. white people. They beat you over the head but the message was there and if you saw that back in the 90s with no other direct exposure to "the hood" ...like me at the time... you were like. the 90s in general were just different people are way more calm now everywhere I think. i grew up in a great neighborhood in the 90s and there was still tons of fukkary and wilding that kids in the same area Im from definitely aren't doing now
the scene that really struck me the first time I saw boyz in the hood was when trey was walking to his girls house and all the helicopter lights everywhere and he just has a breakdown. there was nothing in Menace that struck me as...menace glorified everything a little to much IMO
Baby boy a top 3 hood filmI hear you, but I think both Menace has held up better.
John was only as good as that film IMO.
The Hughes Brothers were better:
Menace, Dead Presidents, American Pimp, and The Book of Eli.
From Hell was weak. I excepted way more from the Hughes brothers and :deppbizarre: