Im trying to get lean by summer but I dont want to lose any weight. Thats why im looking for a calculator that is very accurate because im looking to get my diet on point for these next few months.
How do you find daily intake? Like I said some are very specific to each person and recommended because of that I just need a somewhat relative number to start at and can always adjust once I see the scale.
As far as getting lean goes I already lost weight since I haven't been in the gym consistently and only 159. I was going to straight cut but think its worth getting lower than that just for some abs. With stuff I read about lean bulking if you stay to a small calorie surplus and your young or have good genetics you can burn bf%. But maybe im going about this all wrong. Im willing to listen to other ways going about this.
U have time to get down to a 6 pack for the summer easy. If u want to have this summer just do that and then bulk once fall hits.Yea im in a place where I do want to go all in bulk mode I just dont want to lose that summer. but hey maybe once I get back in the gym consistently I wont get too fat.