Black Panther: Obvious reasons
Get Out: Unexpected twist and interesting look at white liberals
Joker: The bullied started bullying back, and it was an excellent perspective on mental illness. I didn’t see it coming when the entire relationship was all in his mind.
The Revenant: Most of the film was the sheer emotions of Leo, very little dialogue, the cinematography
Gravity: Same as above, but with Sandra
Honorable mentions to Avatar for visuals, and the many elements of the Navi culture, however, it was the same white savior story of the evil white people trying to destroy the colored people, and one white guy gets captured, learns their ways, their culture, becomes close to the leader, and gets the leader’s daughter, jumps ahead of all the other colored men who are in line, and fights the evil white guys.
Same story over and over:
Dances With Wolves
The Last Samurai