Sometimes I wish female bisexuality was as stigmatized as being male and gay, so I'd know who really is about that life. Girls kissing girls is easy, but very few women walk the walk. My ideal female partner would be cultured, articulate, mild-mannered/sensible but also challenging herself and just naturally charming. I hate a try-hard; dislike the happy-go-lucky type, so the likes of Jennifer Lawrence do nothing but annoy me. I had a crush on Rachel Maddow for her confidence and sense of humor, and I get an eargasm listening to Lionel Shriver. Appearance-wise I'm very flexible, but I'm absolutely not attracted to studs. As for white women, I crushed hard on Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs, Zooey Deschanel - my childhood crush, Emily Browning, Christina Hendricks, Morgan Fairchild, Winona Ryder, Kat Dennings and oh my, does Michelle Tretchenberg really do it for me in the looks department. There are some weird things that are sexually appealing as well, besides looks, like Lauren Conrad's voice - despite her looking awfully plain Jane. A husky voice like Emma Stone's is a major turn-on, for some reason. Alicia Vikander in Ex-Machina was uniquely arousing too. lol I don't always understand what attracts me to people. As far as celebrities go, my crushes are pretty white because that's just the entertainment I consume, but on a daily, I find myself feeling more physically aroused/responsive to exotic looking women or women of color, especially the ones here in LA. lol I guess being bisexual, at least to me, isn't about getting tired of a gender and starting fresh with the other. You see people who fascinate you and people who don't. A conventionally attractive looking woman with an incompatible personality to mine - or at least to my desires, does not have my attention. Likewise, a 'cool guy' who is not physically my type could not arouse me and that's okay, because friendship is more powerful than sexual urges. Of course, the men in question disagree. We know that far too well! haha I'm not easily sexually stimulated myself, so I couldn't imagine being intimate with someone who doesn't do it for me; and the advantage of a women is that they are so easy on the eyes. Point being, you'll know if you ever like another woman, you shouldn't force it.