What Would The Right Thing Be To Do In This Situation????


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
So I was watching Supacell
It's a new superhero type series on netflix

There was a situation

This man was in love with his woman, and his woman into him. He asked her to marry him she said yes.
Then later in the episode something stressful happens and he travels into the future, his future self brings him to his woman's tombstone in a cemetary.
She died, and future him told him that the fact here's there in the future means there's a chance to save her.
As in don't let her die on that day (day of death written on tombstone) by keeping her away from harm.
He then went back into his present, his woman is freaking out because of the powers and he keeps disappearing and sometimes fainting.
She keeps saying we need to do this, we need to do that.

So the question is, would you tell her?
Because if she not letting you do what you need to do if you tell her the truth you can keep her in check and she'll listen to you.
But at the same time she could freak out, not be able to sleep anymore, be immensely stressed, and maybe even after that day you may still think it can happen anytime.

So what would you do in this situation?
What's the right thing to do and what's the wise thing to do?
You tell her or you don;t?