Batman: The Animated Series premiered on the Fox Network's children's block
Fox Kids on September 5, 1992 and aired in that block during weekday afternoons at 4:30pm. In December, just three months after its debut, Fox also began airing episodes of the series on prime-time Sunday evenings, marking one of the few times a show created for
Saturday Morning Television was scheduled for prime-time broadcast. However, the TV ratings fell short (as the show aired opposite the perennial favorite
60 Minutes), and the series was removed from this time slot in March 1993.
After the series produced its 65th episode (the minimum number necessary for a TV series to be successfully syndicated), Fox Network executives ordered a second season of 20 more episodes that was later reduced to airing weekly on Saturday mornings. The second season featured
Robin more prominently and, as a result, was retitled
The Adventures of Batman & Robin in the title credits; this run of episodes had two new opening sequences and ending credits. In total,
Batman: The Animated Series reached 85 episodes before finishing its original run of episodes on September 15, 1995.
In 1997, following the end of Fox Kids' five-year exclusive broadcast contract, the series began airing in re-runs on
The WB Network's children's block
Kids' WB, alongside
Superman: The Animated Series, soon making a block-type show combining the two shows called
The New Batman Superman Adventures.