Pan-Africanist. Not that we need to go back to Africa or that all black ethnicities (of which there are thousands) need to congregate in one single space per se, but ALL black people across the planet are inherently involved in the struggle against white supremacy, unconscious or conscious, in whatever form. white supremacy and the anti-black existence as a living breathing entity will exist bar none unless you consciously destroy and fight against it. It will exist well after you die so in this life you cannot leave blackness vain and trite and left in its condemnation as the eternally wretched. You cannot run from it; nor try think or function as a liberal humanist, and just "seeing everyone equal, man" or pray away from it; no one foot in the door. Therefore the only logical conclusion and our only actual solution is for all blacks to destroy it/ separate from it as much as possible.
wonder what kind of naive life black intergrationists are living that's so sweet.