What game series stands to win the most from AI development?


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
If there was one thing about AI that might end up being a net positive for society, it could be the gameplay possibilities it'll offer.

Besides providing assistance to game developers (or downright replacing them) when it comes to difficult programming tasks, AI progress will probably allow new doors to be opened in game design, and consequently gameplay.

There are already some instances of demos and games in alpha stage that use modern language learning models to power their NPCs, generating on the spot specific personalities, voices and lines for them, but also allowing them to process and react to whatever input you, the player, present them with :

It is still unpolished and janky, but you see the vision.

No need to even play those games to get a sample: just boot up ChatGPT and ask him to create varied characters in a specific scenario and to impersonate them so as to react to what you say. Breh will do it in a heartbeat.

So, in your opinion, what types of games, or game series, will be the most affected by AI? What out-of-the-box use for this technology can you come up with for gaming?

Me personally, I've always been of the mind that AI was the aspect of gaming that has progressed the slowest. Especially when it comes to stealth games or stealth-adjacent games: I always lamented enemies going back whistling to their patrol route after getting shot with an arrow from nowhere or finding the body of their colleague lifeless on the floor. Them rarely being able to check for vents or losing track of you after a single turn of a corner.

The best I've seen when it comes to this was The Last Of Us 2 on harder difficulties, but there's still an untapped margin of progression for smarter, cunning and organized AI entities.

I'm looking forward to hear ops plan their search while I'm hiding in a locker, distributing roles by names and remembering what somebody else was supposed to do before he disappeared. Changing their strategies on the fly or adapting to my style from mission to mission. Meeting again a guard that I had left alive earlier, on some Shadow of the Mordor shyt, and noticing he knows how I move. Gameplay could get crazy like that.

TellTale/Mass Effect type games... Any RPG that envied the Witcher elaborated side quests...

What do yall think?


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Devs can fill up lobbies with bots for multiplayer service games. Think of shooters like Titan Fall where bots already take up the empty player spots. Now imagine trying to figure out who's real and who's a bot when the bots are can talk smack and teabag you. Same for games within Roblox and Rec Room, where Devs can make their games appear full when no one is really playing.


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
Devs can fill up lobbies with bots for multiplayer service games. Think of shooters like Titan Fall where bots already take up the empty player spots. Now imagine trying to figure out who's real and who's a bot when the bots are can talk smack and teabag you. Same for games within Roblox and Rec Room, where Devs can make their games appear full when no one is really playing.
Getting called all types of nikka online by a racist ai jethro bot after a win :wow: