It is opinion. If we know that most nations that aren't majority black are racist towards blacks and most black controlled nations are either very poor or very corrupt... then what are your standards for "best opportunities".
If it's to make money, then the US or some Western nation. If it's to be free and connected I would say Ghana, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana.
If we are seeking just to get away from this shyt we have here.. but aren't comfortable with being too far away.. and too detached from your US black people.. I would say Cuba. I personally know madddddddd Afrocentric black people that reside there or visit there. My neighbor, (old ass lady) used to go there to chill w Assata Shakur. She travels back and forth.. Idk how she does it because of the way we are towards Cuba. You an live a pretty good life there, plus it's a beautiful place.
I've been a lot of places, so this is just my opinion based on my experiences. I don't want to retire in American, but it's easy to make money here if you have a plan and can avoid getting sucked into BS. But you can't think here.. you can't really be a human being here. IF you been to a peaceful nation then you know what I mean.