this all i got
Satisfaction is achieving fulfillment.
To achieve fulfillment you have to come to terms with somethings you're not able to obtain. For an example, you wanted to be a be successful, but somethings didn't go your way and you're stuck with kids. When trying to reach success you probably though it was to "make it" becoming a millionaire and living the good. When you had to settled for what you had you then realize this was success all along, your family is your success and their upbringing would be able to show that.
It can be positive or negative, but it all depends on how you view of success.
As far as imagery goes, satisfaction comes with a smile and a smile speaks for itself. A smile is that 1,000 word worth painting. When people smile there could many reason why they're smiling, but it shows that they're happiness.... and happiness equals satisfaction. You can't fake a smile, you can't fake happiness, and you can't fake satisfaction because it's all dependent on the person and the person would know it's a lie.