I am surprised no one is saying that Thibs could have played a lineup of
JB Deuce OG KAT Huk/Mitch
With a bench of
Hart, Mikal, Payne/ shamet (either or not both) and Kolek
Earlier in the season and we might be going into the off-season with trade asset in Kolek to move with Precious via S&T (through two consecutive trades) to get either Grimes or DDV and Hart and Mikal off the bench could have made things better minute wise. However Thibs decided it was going to be a 5 out offense knowing damn well he isn’t an offensive minded coach.
I will bet money if they bring in a new coach that is exactly what they will do, because it’s not rocket science on what this roster needs. Thibs has just been stubborn like he always is and then Huk/Brunson got injured.